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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I don't think anyone is getting tired of democratic values, but nearly everyone is getting tired of woke, climate alarmist, green socialist values.
  2. I've always thought the best thing to do is have fun now, and not worry about later. No health insurance for me, I had some, they didn't pay out, and they won't get any more money from me.
  3. Best to be polite to a people that will pull a gun and kill you for looking at them in a funny way.
  4. No need, the vegans have to ell everyone within 30s of meeting that they're vegans. I don't have a problem with gay guys.
  5. I've not found that, The gay guys I've encountered here are all vegans/meditation/yoga fanatics.
  6. When I see all the climate alarmists posting in these threads generate their own electricity and the rulers of the earth stop buying beachfront property ........ I will believe it! Here's a typical conversation with a climate alarmist. Q: How much of your electricity do you generate? ..... A: None Q: why not? ...... A: I expect everyone else to pay for my beliefs. Q: So what do you actually do to prevent climate change? A: I post a lot in forums.
  7. You're right, but I'd already dried 2 plants under the stairs with no problems.
  8. Bars are a great place for single guys to socialise. When you live in a small room, why wouldn't you want to go out every night? When I was single and living in a guesthouse, I certainly did and made some lifelong friends.
  9. Covered my pal's broken hip hospital bill, but he did have to pal the next 25kbht for a month in a care home after the hospital.
  10. Factually incorrect, Thai government minimum insurance (for the motorbike) covers all riders, legal or illegal, for medical expenses up to 40,000bht.
  11. I claim I don't care because I'll be dead of old age before it happens (if it is actually happening). How much of your electricity are you generating?
  12. All the high ups supporting climate change alarmism seem to be buying beachfront property, despite proclaiming a 10m sea level rise in their lifetimes. Seems they don't even believe what they say. The banks (not known for risk taking home loans) still seem to be giving 30 year mortgages on seafront properties and the insurance companies (even less risk averse) will still insure such properties.
  13. My first abject failure, The buds went mouldy while drying ........... Hanging to dry under the stairs at 63% humidity for 7 days. Went to put them in a jar and noticed white fluff on several of the buds (about 5gm of buds affected). Picked out the ones which seemed unaffected (35gms) Hopefully these will be OK. Drying them a bit more in a car box with a 12" case fan blowing over the top. Don't know what went wrong, never had this happen before.
  14. How much of your own energy usage do you generate?
  15. Anyone that repeatedly states 'the science is in' is clearly a Luddite zealot. Science is never final, there is always more to learn on every subject. As for climate change, it's irrelevant to my life, I don't care and I have no intention of changing my lifestyle to suit nutters. PS. I generate 70-80% of all my own electricity and accuse anyone that generates less while advocating 'climate change' alarmism, both a fool and a hypocrite.
  16. I generally only smoke my her own weed. I she only buys seeds that offer THC 20%+ (and cost less than 6GBP each) from Attitude seedbank. If I need to smoke more than 0.5gm to do the job, it's either thrown or used as a pizza topping.
  17. More to do with the puppeteer pulling the strings of a mentally disturbed child IMHO. Now she's an adult she should be charged and jailed like all the other 'environmental' terrorists.
  18. More to do with cross country cycling 40Km/day or trail running 15Km/day for 10 years.
  19. Fell and cut my knee open (bone showing) while running in the mountains, 8 stitches, 250bht (CM neurological hospital) inc meds, another 150bht to have them removed. Fell off my bicycle face first, chin split, jaw broken, 2 teeth snapped in half, under 4,000bht (CM Siam Hospital), 8 stitches in my chin, jaw glued, 2 teeth rebuilt (5-8 visits in all). Yes, I think Thailand is cheap.
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