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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. No need, Laos still have a 'secret police' that follow foreigners around. One of the last and fiercest 'commie' holdouts.
  2. You think someone wearing a catheter and bag should do those exercises?
  3. Just use the south facing roof and have less panels is the obvious answer. Isn't Huawei the inverter that only uses ultra expensive battery packs (that aren't available in Thailand)? Huawei 150,000bht for 5kWhr Vs normal 50,000bht for 10kWhr
  4. No it's a waste of money, and there's no valid reason to have your panels pointing in 3 different directions.
  5. The Thai doctors aren't all that good, the technicians are not really competent either. So far two major Chiang Mai hospitals have made the following serious mistakes in the past 10 years. 1. Said wife wasn't pregnant, she was, excuse they entered her test results into another patients record. 2. I needed a gall bladder removal or I would die, I didn't and 10 years later have no gall bladder problems. 3. My 5yo son (from wife that wasn't pregnant) needed an emergency appendectomy, and prepped him for surgery, I stopped them operating, it was constipation. 4. I needed a prostate operation (same symptoms as you), I cured it with antibiotics. So I'll repeat my question, what medications have they given you? A catheter won't cure anything, but it will stop renal failure, which happens if you can't wee for around 36hrs. If they suspect BPH, which is what the lazy Thai doctors usually assume, Normal procedure is catheter for 4-6 weeks if patient passes more than 400ml of urine after first insertion. With Doxazosin 4mg/day (or similar drug) forever. I'd also be interested to know why they took the catheter out after a week, without any evidence they had fixed the problem, and why they thought the problem had gone away? This isn't normal procedure for such a life threatening condition. Would also point out a person that can't urinate normally gets a catheter inserted in the emergency room immediately on arrival at a hospital, and the tests done after, there's absolutely no reason to keep you in hospital for 2 days. You do understand renal failure happens quite soon after you stop urinating? (cost of catheter, bag and insertion around 300bht, cost of removal 150bht)
  6. What medication have they given you? You should have at least been given medicine to relax your blood vessels.
  7. I always use Greenterra Peat Moss (no washing required). https://shopee.co.th/พีทมอส-70-ลิตร-กรีนเทอร์รา-(Greenterra-Peat-Moss-Substrate-F5)-วัสดุเพาะปลูกพืช-ปลูกผัก-ปลูกสมุนไพร-i.193303481.6734133850 Usually peat moss + bagsoil + perlite (40+40+20) mix works well for me. And I reuse the mix for the next generation of plants just adding a few extra handfuls of bagsoil.
  8. That thread said can't in Thailand as well ............. so nothings changed. Seemed you could marry in HongKong. "Thanks for the lengthy post. In my case, the reason why I'd marry in HK is because I can not get A document saying that she was single and eligible to marry signed."
  9. I had exactly the same 3 years back (6 weeks with catheter + doxazocin for 2 years). Was falsely diagnosed with enlarged prostate. Fixed it myself 2 years later with antibiotics as it appeared to be caused by a uti they didn't detect. Also in Chiang Mai.
  10. Not allowed in Thailand as no 'certificate of freedom to marry' would be provided by the Laos consulate.
  11. "It led Rowley to admit that hundreds of racist, misogynist and corrupt officers have been allowed to continue to serve in the Met." No surprise to me there.
  12. I never dreamed that as old guy in his 60s I'd be living with a young attractive woman in the tropics surrounded by my children. My reality has beaten all my dreams of my retirement years.
  13. What you hear isn't the reality, Cambodia and The Philippines are great.
  14. Wesco sell 1Kg for 150bht. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/wesco-0-52-34-1-i4029397769-s15684515539.html
  15. Don't think the levels are that high, 1 heaped teaspoon in a washing up bowl of water for all my plants most days. This one is currently drying ........ And another clone of that plant in flower ..........
  16. Mix 30% bagsoil in your coco/peat then you don't need to worry about 'micro nutrients'. Works great for me.
  17. I wouldn't know as I don't talk to Germans.
  18. The usual give away is they talk about how much money they are making all the time.
  19. A Thai lady hotel owner in Chiang Mai once said to me, 'If you want to meet girls who aren't prostitutes move 20Km away from the tourist destinations'
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