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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Lots of foreigners coming to Thailand and picking up rubbish. Is this story really that different?
  2. I'd say it was unlikely ...... Who provided the money, you or your daughter-in-law? As for the will, I'd have the grandparents right to live on the property for life put on the deeds. Wills can be changed! Would point out my lot played the same game. Granny took out a 100k loan shark loan against the family house. I paid it off when the property was put in my woman's name. I keep the chanote.
  3. My guy comes on the 27th, unless it's a Sunday when it's the next day.
  4. Not worthwhile, the 312bht off peak service charge is more than my electricity usage. Don't understand how some of you guys can have solar and still pay big grid bills.
  5. Speak for yourself, I would have had 10 children and the rest of my life financed by the state (or the other parent).
  6. Isn't that what most women do these days? Slut around until they're 30+ then hit the Beta bucks? And back in the West they get your house and your pension + 19 years child maint. Doesn't matter whose name everything is in.
  7. I don't believe you! I know dozens of growers, and the pros do a bit better, but not a lot better. And if I did get 100gms/plant, what would I do with it? I only need 1/2gm a day for my medical condition and it doesn't keep well. I usually end up giving most of it away.
  8. He was a dive instructor. When I was a dive instructor I had to pass a HSE 'fitness to dive' health exam every year.
  9. I always felt most many of them were alcoholics or drug addicts and didn't care what they had to do to finance their addiction. They probably don't even notice what the guy is like. Having lived with some of them on and off for the past 12 years, I noticed nearly all their problems are self-inflicted.
  10. There is no such law. The requirement is for photo ID. In this case its likely the guys wallet was stolen after he collapsed.
  11. Any country that gives women choices will face a falling Population. The countries that give women no choices will inherit the world.
  12. Worked out at 35gm dried (would have been 50gm but a few of the buds went mouldy when drying).
  13. You can spot the Chinese girls by the way they dress, which is different to the way the Korean girls dress.
  14. Most of us on this forum are 60+, we no longer need to worry about our brains.
  15. Met a UK girl in a bar, married her 2 years later. She was definitely a virgin. Met a Thai girl in a bar, married her 2 weeks later. Fairly sure she wasn't a virgin.
  16. No big deal, we hire police to do security patrols in our moobaan. Cheaper than paying security guards.
  17. And yet nearly all our countries are run by old men that should have retired years ago. Does anyone really care what teenagers want?
  18. Quite frankly, I don't believe it's that much of a risk. Especially when we consider what we've all been doing in Thailand. I know some people obsess about health care, health insurance, washing hands, wearing masks, but for most healthy people it's not a real, but more an imagined problem. I prefer not to live a life full of obsessive/neurotic fear.
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