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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. If masks work, why have we all caught COVID 2x, despite multiple vaccinations and constant mask wearing? And the Chinese that all wear masks 24/7 have caught it most of all. Your 'facts' and reality just don't match up.
  2. The science says ............. Largest COVID virus size = 500nm Mask gap size = 55,000nm "A recent trial in Bangladesh found that people issued with surgical masks were 11% less likely to be infected with Covid-19. The results suggested cloth masks also reduce risk but the results were not statistically significant." https://fullfact.org/health/face-masks-covid-holes/ That's an 11% reduction in transmission if everyone wears a surgical mask. So the question is, would you buy an insurance policy that only paid out on 11% of claims?
  3. Don't think I've ever met anyone in Thailand with an IQ over 110. That's Thais and foreigners.
  4. All the places listed in the video wouldn't be places I'd want to live. And when they say peaceful, whom are they targeting? Peaceful for men and peaceful for women wouldn't be the same place. I've found peaceful places for me everywhere in Asia and nowhere in the West. Iceland wouldn't be peaceful for vegetarians, there is lots of meat and almost no vegetables.
  5. Every other house on my estate is growing, so more like 50%. Those not smoking add it to their food.
  6. I don't have any game! I don't have any sense of humour! I don't have a decent appearance! I don't wear bling! I'm not in good shape financially! I'm not hansum! But the 1,000bht note in my wallet seems to make up for all of that.
  7. Yeah, but no problem for us old folk, we'll be dead long before the bad air kills us.
  8. So don't get of the boat at Phuket and avoid any immigration problems.
  9. Drinking at home on your own is the best! Way cheaper, far more comfortable, and you don't need to drive back drunk. As for the OP, the WHO need to be disbanded, they want to rule the world, and their world would be a soulless and miserable place.
  10. Not surprising at all, foreigner lives are worthless to the Thai government. We all know the killer will get away with a trivial punishment, if any.
  11. I've always found it best not to talk to women all that much. Found the perfect bargirl, no English at all. Two years later she speaks good English ,,,,,,, damn it! Next, I'm gonna buy one of them sex dolls, no backchat from 'her'.
  12. So is it because of the 2 year COVID shutdown, War in the Ukraine, or ............. Brexit?
  13. I was always inundated with offers online. Would turn on my account for an hour, get 10 offers, then discard the fatties and ladyboys. Not that many foreigners in Thailand, but lots of Thai girls. Doesn't matter what you look like, all they want is cash.
  14. She never says no, doesn't talk back, and won't have you evicted from your own home. Sounds almost perfect to me. I'm thinking under current western laws sex dolls will become the norm for guys wanting to keep their assets.
  15. According to the story it's because of 'political instability in Thailand'. Oh dear, the Thai generals won't like that!
  16. Almost anywhere in the world that doesn't pay welfare to single mom's.
  17. Not required until tomorrow. Plenty of flights tonight Siem Reap to Bangkok.
  18. Girl on holiday! Never asked her name or where she was from.
  19. No proof of life required for people in the UK. So easier to claim you live in the UK.
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