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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's actually Lazada that removes your ability to use CoD and it's for all items on Lazada.
  2. Just say no, But you might lose the ability to pay CoD for a while.
  3. I would say simple common sense is to accept death when it comes, and not shovel money into the greedy hands of private hospitals. As for the OP, walk away, it's not your problem.
  4. Would point out you can't get health insurance for health conditions you know about.
  5. I clicked the 'Facebook' button to join Shoppee a few years back, ZERO problems.
  6. The only place I found with a 24hr bar was Garden Village Guest House in Siem Reap. Mostly backpackers in their early 20s, quite nice to have a 50c beer served by the pool for my 6am swim.
  7. On the other hand, most of us don't have lives so dull we have to hang out in another countries forum. When I left the UK, I stopped posting in UK forums.
  8. You ever visited an old people's home?
  9. Anywhere warm is better than the UK. (Excluding Somalia) I quite like Pattaya, everything a BritMan could want, and mostly at a bargain price.
  10. 9pm is cannabis smoking time, usually fast asleep by 9:10pm.
  11. Having extensively studied booze prices across Asia .......... Cambodia, if you want to drink yourself to death in bars. Philippines, if you want to drink yourself to death home alone. Thailand if you want to smoke cannabis all day.
  12. By 'serious life', are you taking about all the poor western foreigners that try to scrape a living here (unqualified schoolteachers)? IMHO best not to arrive until you've made enough money to live for the rest of your life.
  13. Would say the opposite, As you enter your 60s your pensions start paying out, and you never need to worry about money again.
  14. I paid 4.5bht/gm, smoking more isn't expensive. If you're daft enough to pay 800bht/gm you deserve to be cheated.
  15. Swansons stinging nettle root 1x day seemed to make a difference. Saw Palmetto did nothing.
  16. Don't forget strange skin problems are one of the first signs of HIV. Best to have a test for that.
  17. It's a tree shrew. Omnivore version of a squirrel. Will eat anything it can get in it's mouth, nuts, birds eggs, chicks, etc. We have loads in our back garden, they run up and own the wall.
  18. BubbleGummer, Tropical Punch and Cheesilicious at the moment. In 3gal pots (cos the 5gal pots are too heavy to carry in and out). I start another clone flowering just as the current clone is ready for harvest. And take more cuttings from the clone I put to flowering. I bring the flowering plants in if it's very windy or rains. I expect 1-2oz from a 3gal pot. This is typical of a 3gal pot, Tropical Punch, almost ready.
  19. No real seasons in Thailand. I veg for 16hrs/day inside. Everything I put outside flowers after 3 days outside. Works all year round.
  20. Best not be silly enough to declare you have perminantly moved overseas then.
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