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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. So out for my normal 25km loop this morning at 6:45. 8c going out, 9c at 8am cycling back. In 15 years I've never known it to be this cold.
  2. Mine has been great, 15+ years now. Nothing like my sexless Brit wife.
  3. When I were a lad my parents taught me to confine my 'wishes' to my 'finances', rather than try to borrow or beg from others.
  4. I thought Spain had millions of vacant homes they couldn't sell at any price? https://www.ldrgroup.nl/en/toename-van-leegstaande-woningen-in-spanje/ Isn't the solution to housing shortages in many western countries to relax restrictions on housing controls and allow cheaper homes to be built in wider areas. Rather than allow the property housing Ponzi to continue?
  5. Didn't they just catch an illegal homeless Mexican with a blowtorch? Maybe the fires are terrorism, and not climate change. Maybe they should forget climate change and concentrate on fixing illegals and homelessness.
  6. Bought one on Lazada on 2nd Jan, delivered on 6th Jan by DHL from Hong Kong. 4300bht with voucher, no ads and it's great. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.ttr3j 2024, 8gb, 6.8 inch usb C, version. If you don't like the Robot Dreams cover it just clips off and you can buy a different cover.
  7. Wise debit cards (digital or physical) are only available to those using a UK address. If you use a Thai address, the digital option is blanked out on the app.
  8. In early 2023 they limited phone app transfers to 50kbht/day for all foreigner accounts, unless you changed that at your branch. Online, atm and in person transfers are different. The op says internet banking, which has no such restriction. I didn't read the op carefully enough, so my bad.
  9. How did they overcome the 50kbht electronic transaction limit on foreigner accounts? BKB, I have to go to the branch in person for more than 50k in a day.
  10. The only foreign guy in Thailand that doesn't understand you do property sales with cash at the Landline Office!
  11. "The young man's devastated mother Tracy King said her son was 'living his dream' by travelling the world and following his passion for scuba diving."
  12. Sadly, I was a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer and a BSAC Open Water Instructor. (Plus RYA powerboat level 2 license to skipper the RIBs) And I never found diving relaxing, mainly stress and effort from trying not to let people in my care die. Not to mention carrying weights and cylinders around, then towing exhausted n00bs back to the boat, etc.
  13. How much did you pay for your 'Lilac Diesel'? It's too hot and humid and 'buggy' in Thailand to grow good weed outdoors. Then there's EVAP greenhouses, where evaporation cooling is used to lower the temperature Then there's indoor temperature and climate controlled grows which tend to be expensive. Also outdoors has big problems with bug infestations unless you're prepared to use serious pesticides. I've grown indoors (tent) and outdoors, so many aphids on the outdoor grows it was hardly worthwhile. Now I buy EVAP greenhouse grows at 5-10bht a gram which gives a pretty good bang for my buck, Mainly from 'Fis High' on LINE. They are currently selling 'Pink Diesel' at 11bht/gm. Not worth the effort of growing my own at these prices, but I did grow 'Red Diesel' indoors in my tent and it was really good.
  14. Lots of dead divers in Koh Tao though ......... https://www.birminghamworld.uk/news/birmingham-diver-ian-jacobs-thailand-4023618 "In January 2000, Ian Jacobs from Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham UK travelled alone to Koh Tao, Thailand for a diving vacation. Within two weeks he was dead and his body was promptly cremated in Bangkok."
  15. I said "I seem to remember" ........... do you think that never happened?
  16. Really, I seem to remember a few cases where the body was 'accidentally' cremated, before being returned to the west.
  17. They find what their bosses tell then to find, which in this case will be nothing suspicious, then burn the body so nobody else can find different.
  18. Usually people with undiagnosed heart problems discover those problems on their first dive. Not to mention E38k seems a bit pricey for flying a small box of ashes back to the UK/Ireland, 25 quid should be enough for DHL. Let's face it, there's no way the Thai authorities are gonna allow a real medical examiner to view that body.
  19. So there's a Greek guy running the British rightwing news that wants to keep immigrants out. Has the world gone mad?
  20. Didn't go to the right school and have the right parents is the probable answer. It's not what you know that gets you the job!
  21. An impossible 8c in MaeJo this morning.
  22. I had it too, like the flu for a weekend (Xmas), joint pain, then gone leaving a cough for 3+ weeks. No rash.
  23. I thought he was trying to oust Starmer. Are you claiming Starmer is good for the UK people?
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