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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. It's on lots of items, but not all items. Also, buying 1 item is often free delivery, but add another item from same seller and the free delivery is no longer free. I'm currently buying lots of granola, as it works out at around half price of Rimping and Tops with the free delivery.
  2. I've found smoking 0.5gm of cannabis every night before bed has completely cured me, even the joint swelling has gone. Not all strains work though, critical orange punch, tropical punch, red diesel, godfather all work for me. Before cannabis I was taking 8x paracetamol a day, just to reduce the pain.
  3. Like anywhere else, government healthcare is cheap, but for some reason foreigners choose to frequent private hospitals. I'm OK with government healthcare, my recent accident (5 broken ribs, broken clavicle, collapsed lung, much skin loss) essentially 4 months in a wheelchair cost a total of 13kbht (including physiotherapy, meds, x-rays, hospital stay). And government minimum insurance paid that. Never cared for expensive restaurants, used to eat at Claridge's in London, but only if the company was paying. I'm OK with KFC, love Zinger Burgers! Education is an odd one, how good an education does an average kid in Detroit get? Same for mining villages in Cornwall, or the estate schools in Oxfordshire? Where are these mythical places where top quality free education is provided?
  4. No good for couples, but great for a single guy that is prepared to sleep with (and impregnate) the locals! Locally sourced food is cheap, locally sourced alcohol, tobacco and weed is cheap, accomodation is cheap, utilities are cheap, local women are cheap. Like everywhere else in the world, anything imported is expensive. Health care is mostly cheap, but it's probably not a good move for the chronically ill that get free medical in their home countries. Government school education and university is very cheap.
  5. My kids been at school for 2 weeks! Off today, off 1 day last week.
  6. I blame it all on Rudyard Kipling .......................... "Now I aren't no 'and with the ladies, For, takin' 'em all along, You never can say till you've tried 'em, An' then you are like to be wrong. There's times when you'll think that you mightn't, There's times when you'll know that you might; But the things you will learn from the Yellow an' Brown, They'll 'elp you a lot with the White!"
  7. Unfortunately our home countries banks cancel our accounts if we appear to be living in a foreign country.
  8. It only changes if you are one of those 'who cannot tell a lie'. Say nothing and they won't even ask where you've been!
  9. The Thai government have no way of discovering my income outside of Thailand, unless I volunteer the information. Just like the British government have no way of discovering where I live, unless I volunteer the information. I understand some of you are frightened by everything, health insurance, climate change, sea level rise, COVID, pension increases, face masks, tax, etc. But most of us aren't that bothered by the constant scare stories!
  10. I keep 400k in a Thai bank, no other proof required. I may have zero income and live off my wife or Thai kids. As for foreign money - WISE allow me to choose if deposits are marked 'foreign' or 'local' transfers by my Thai bank account.
  11. So you just switch to multi entry non o, or lie on the forms they have no way of checking.
  12. I don't think they will ever tax foreigners foreign income, it's just scare stories to get more clicks. Basically the Thai government are too stupid and lazy to bother, unless you're daft enough to complete forms and offer your money to them!
  13. Yes, I don't understand the people posting their home country is cheaper. Back in the UK a room in a shared house would cost 600 pounds/month, compared to my 3 bed Thai home with repayments of 220 pounds/month.
  14. It's a special class for English speakers, separate from the other classes in the government school. 3 western English teachers, 3 Native Chinese teachers. Don't know if it's decent or not, my 12yo only started this term. Maybe some sort of experiment or we were discounted to get a NES pupil in the class.
  15. Just do local flagged bank transfers using WISE, and tell them you live off your Thai wife. That's if they ever ask.
  16. .....with 3rd rate doctors!
  17. Male or female? Married female can get Thai citizenship after 1 year + baby or 2 years no baby with a joint income of 15+kbht/month.
  18. Nope, it's harder for Brits to live in the EU, compulsory health insurance, bank balance checks, income checks. Pension increases will go in the next few years. Thailand is easy in comparison. PI is even easier, and you get pension rises
  19. I can't even do that properly any more!
  20. Have your gf buy it on a 30 year mortgage, you make the repayments while you live there. If the bank won't trust your gf with a mortgage .....neither should you!
  21. 7 months after I was hit and run ..... Still waiting for a court date. Note to OP, if he's claiming injury the police will require a doctor's report on his injuries. Which you can ask to see. No doctor's report = no court case
  22. All the time. Sometimes with Samurai swords.
  23. I've never found 'you get what you pay for' to be true. How much did you pay for your wife?
  24. I pay 8kbht/term for my son to attend English/Chinese class in a government school (24 kids). Can't beat that!

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