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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Yes some expats like easy access to sex, while those with little testosterone may not need those services.
  2. 15Mbps capped at 100Gb. Phone calls capped at 15mins.
  3. My 50,000bht battery pack does the same job as your 1,000,000bht ev so that's hardly cost effective.
  4. Think you were ripped off, I pay 1,500bht for a 1 year ais SIM with unlimited data and phone calls. Normal Sims with no credit are about 50bht.
  5. What if she's lying? Convict all men just because she says?
  6. You have to set your play account to Thailand for HBOGo to be available.
  7. If it's gone that far I'd prefer to progress directly to separate homes.
  8. I was once singing along to a Thai karaoke song, the girl with me said "you just learned the song, you aren't reading the words' So I told her to pick a song, and I read the words, she said 'F$#k' got up and moved away. Her mistake was thinking I could understand what I could read!
  9. You won't be learning central Thai in that small town or village, cos the locals aren't speaking it. If you watch the Thai news, rural people speaking are subtitled in central Thai.
  10. I'm only here for the cheap housing and the cheap woman. It happens to be Thailand, but beyond simple commerce I have no reason to interact with the locals. Same when I lived in Cornwall.
  11. I don't bother, if you don't speak English with a Brit accent, I'm not interested in talking with you. Did learn to read, write and speak central Thai, it wasn't worthwhile, Thais are generally really dull people with nothing to say that I want to hear. "How spicy was my last meal' ....... discuss for 1hr ........... I think not.
  12. There are 165000 registered trucks, 24 of which are EVs. Of those trucks 250 ICE have burnt in the past year, and 2 EVs in the past 6 months. 165000/250 = 1 in 660 ICE burns v 1 in 12 EV burns. Temp of diesel fire = 800c (can be extinguished) Temp of EV fire = 2,700c (burns steel and concrete, outgassing deadly poisons cobalt, lithium) 2 Victoria firefighters have already been given permanent disability retirement after attending EV fires this year.
  13. My pal toppled his scooter in his driveway, claimed on gov min, paid for his broken hip (just). My hit and run 2 months back, it's paying for my emergency care and broken ribs/collarbone (8 weeks in and 8kbht spent).
  14. How about this electric BMW parked outside my local coffee shop at lunchtime ......
  15. I've tried them all and they're 15-20% THC ...... forget the numbers .........
  16. This is a BYD Atto 3 battery pack, all tightly packed leaf cells, no gaps, no cooling.
  17. Nissan leaf 1 only has a range of 60 miles. After 8-10 years that's down to 20!
  18. My prediction is Trump is seen as a victim, gets a huge sympathy vote, and wins.
  19. Not to worry, climate change will fix it in less than 10 years (according to scientists).
  20. Most Thais don't pay tax in Thailand either. The Thai government is not financed by private individuals income tax.
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