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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Many are drop shipping, they don't even know what's in the box.
  2. What's wrong with a cheap digital aerial? https://www.lazada.co.th/products/10m-5e-rg6-10-i4997924608-s21094288024.html Why do you think you need satellite? Looks good enough on my 75" tv ........
  3. Disagree, Western civilisation is falling apart because it allowed women choices. And their choices are nearly always selfish and destructive (to themselves and their families). Are they really any happier than when they were the property of men? How has our world become better after female equality and independence?
  4. delete
  5. My electric bill also increased 374bht for 94 units, but we did use the bedroom aircon a bit last month.
  6. Best to keep your wife at home and away from other foreigners. A late night party is no place for your wife!
  7. Lived in UK fifty-two years and nothing. Lived in Thailand 15 years and some nutter deliberately ran me down in his pickup. Petty crime Vs murderous savages. Which to choose? I guess not having to worry about trivial crime is nice, until you encounter a Thai with a bad temper and a machete.
  8. My plan is to do nothing, and expect them to be too lazy and incompetent to notice me.
  9. I think RP is correct and you are wrong! Let me just pick some holes in your long long post, Cavendish bananas, still 40bht a bunch, same price as the last 15 years. Potatoes still 32bht/kg, same price as the past 15 years (although there are wild seasonal price swings). Mangos 20bht/kg when in season, no change. High fibre diet, I always have granola, 75bht for 250gms, cheapest it's ever been (younger farms or daily mee) The 2 guesthouse I stayed in 15 years back still 5k and 6k month today. Even Mainland Vintage cheddar at 275bhr for 500gm has only risen from 260bht in the past 10 years.
  10. All women ......... Apart from the two he married!
  11. I couldn't advise anyone to retire to Thailand, they hate foreigners and will jail/fine/deport a foreigner for a trivial offence that won't cost a Thai 500bht and an apology. While Thais can gang up to stab and beat us at anything that makes them a little angry ..... And they all have very short fuses.
  12. I'd be depressed too, if I had to work as a hospital cleaner!
  13. Just watched Civil War, complete tedious rubbish, mostly viewed in ff. Atlas is better, except Miss slutty hit the wall a few years back.
  14. 2 sci fi movies just released Atlas ....... Slutty girl fights AI. Civil war ...... Journalists following civil war in future USA.
  15. You're wrong, all the plant has some THC, especially the 'sugar leaves'. https://thesanctuarynv.com/how-to-extract-thc-from-trimmings/ "People who cultivate and sell cannabis know the importance of every part of the plant. Most people discard cannabis plant trimmings, but you can easily turn them into THC concentrates. Next time, you don’t have to throw away the trimming during harvest because you can convert it into something useful. "
  16. Well at least they will no longer be able to test for cannabis, as the test won't tell the difference between consumption of leaves and consumption of buds. So unless you actually get caught holding buds, no problems.
  17. But the school year only started 2 weeks back!
  18. Before COVID I was spending all. Today I have 20% I don't spend. Also need to take into account GBP exchange rate 15% up since COVID.
  19. My pension rises have vastly outpaced any inflation in Thailand.
  20. Exactly what I do!
  21. Are you using the Lazada smart phone app? Not much free delivery on orders from your computer. I always use the phone app and get free delivery on 90% of my orders.
  22. Younger farms 230gm, 76bht each if you buy 3 packets. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.MkF2e Grain tropical granola 169bht 500gm https://s.lazada.co.th/s.MkuCe Daily me granola 250gm 80bht. Https://s.lazada.co.th/s.MkuKd
  23. I either buy it for 30bht/gm or grow it myself for nothing (but effort).
  24. It was raining at the time ............

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