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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Marry or impregnate a local then there's no visa problem.
  2. Sharia law will soon end all Britain's problems.
  3. Most of them appear to be perfectly nice guys that have either been mistreated or ignored by western women. When the influx of Muslim men into our home countries reaches tipping point you'll find out your real place in life!
  4. Every vaccination I ever had stopped me catching the disease ....... Except COVID vaccine which appeared to do nothing.
  5. It was definitely the one on the left causing the trouble.
  6. Been there loads of times, never any problems! Obviously if you're in a crowd, one hand on your wallet, other hand on your phone ..... Same as everywhere else.
  7. I thought that was you with all your nonsense topics.
  8. Men wanting sex is the same as men wanting food, a poop, a pee. It's not an addiction but a biological imperative.
  9. Penis size?
  10. I was a millionaire back in the UK (pounds not dollars), and I found it impossible to live a comfortable life without working. That was 20 years back, god knows how much I would need now. I can't see why any of the poorer countries wouldn't want retirees that bring in foreign currency and can support a local family. But then I can't see why rich countries want poor, uneducated, uncivilised 3rd world Muslims either .......... and they all do. Life is a complete mystery to me!
  11. Define 'poor'? Is it someone who gets paid 10x the local wage for doing nothing?
  12. I prefer to discuss death!
  13. I'd live on Zinger burgers if only KFC were a bit nearer. Still 2x 7-11 ham and cheese toasties and a packet of Fox's ginger crunch creams did the job. Had a nice swim now back on the sofa ...... Think it's gonna rain! Big decision to make now, frozen daiquiri or iced tea. What did you have for lunch?
  14. Alone after messy divorce or dead partner ...... We all end up the same way eventually.
  15. Your past posts lead me to believe you won't be happy wherever you are.
  16. I think you have a false idea of what old people in the west have. Most of the guys I've known would be only too happy to have a roof over their head's, easily available food, and a few beers in a warm climate for the last few years of their lives.
  17. Sitting alone in my living room at this very moment. Just finished my book, starting Mark Greaney - Chaos Agent. Good idea about lunch, off to 7-11 for a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. Too old for work, and I don't really need the money. Might go for a swim after. Kids not home until 4:30, nice and quiet at the moment. You think this is a bad life?
  18. I agree with you, keep your hands on your cash. Although I did give mine a 15% deposit on a house, and make the 10kbht monthly repayments. But maybe 4MyEgo's 3mbht is nothing to him, as was the 300kbht I risked on mine. I couldn't afford to drop 3Mbht all that often.
  19. Better off she gets a 90% loan and you just give her the 10% deposit. Then you've got 40% left in your hand to help make the repayments, if she stays with you.
  20. Agree, trouble is they all know they don't want sex with their husband!
  21. I guess you don't have many friends, or want to hide your sexuality for some reason. I've always discussed sex with my pals and coworkers (obviously not much to discuss in the UK). But here in Thailand there's a whole forum where members discuss who, what and where, along with prices, reviews, photos and the line address of the women they've had in case you want a turn. Not everyone is as upright about sex as you .........
  22. Keep a packet of biscuits on your bedside table! Is she pregnant?
  23. All my pals in the UK had the same problem. Most of my colleagues at work in the UK had the same problem. All the guys I met in Thailand had the same problem. Guessing you've never had a 40+ year old western wife. Can't say I'm that surprised, you don't seem to be the kind of guy western women would want.
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