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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I don't accept responsibility for decisions made by those who ruled me or my ancestors.
  2. I don't accept your argument. With no direct agreement from me to participate, I deny any and all responsibility.
  3. I understand you volunteered ........ so what does that make you?
  4. I don't believe UK border control keep records of citizens entry/exits, so therefore not possible at this time.
  5. You'd think someone that rich could find a younger and more attractive woman.
  6. Just use Royal mail International recorded delivery, about 10 pounds. Never had anything go missing, ever. DHL and Fedex are useless!
  7. I'd be more worried about her waiting to make calls when I can't hear them.
  8. All BS, more to do with Europe being broke after 2 years of staying at home. Can't see it getting any better in the near future either.
  9. stopped listening to these anti-white racists as soon as my Thai was good enough to realise what they were saying.
  10. I would say it's their culture and really poor education, when you are told your entire life you are the best at everything in the world and should never be questioned, then you encounter foreigners that are almost all more knowledgeable and generally better educated, something has to give.
  11. I have adblockers and never see any adverts, except those in the middle of FB videos, then I just move on.
  12. You missed the put down Bob, he has Thai friends. Personally, I've never met a Thai I considered worthy of my friendship, dullest and most ignorant men in the world. Don't get me wrong, I like the Thai girls, it's just the men that are a dead loss, not to mention dangerous.
  13. I've been drinking the tap water in CM for the past 10 years. Still alive so it must be OK.
  14. Thanks, At the moment hoping the collarbone will heal on its own. Waiting for the 5 week mark to see if it needs surgery. Worst bit about the broken ribs is having to sleep flat on my back. Anything else results in severe pain. Cuts and scabs all healed now, but plenty of deep blue bruises on my foot, hip, ribs, elbow and shoulder.
  15. I've got google home voice automation everywhere. Turns on my lights/TV/sockets, my son asks it for spellings and for help with his homework. Why would I care if it's listening all the time, nothing much of interest spoken in my home?
  16. Here ya go, I got one too ........ Essentially the new forum software has been flooding my email server with 'spam' notifications until someone decided to bounce all the junk. If I explore further into my account settings ............
  17. I came for a week's holiday in 2009, went back and gave all my stuff away, and have been living here ever since.
  18. Top north guesthouse not expensive, in the middle of everything, nice swimming pool.
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