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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Common to almost all young women.
  2. I always thought it was an expression of self hatred, they quite often cut themselves as well.
  3. Was your 'chum' convicted in a court of law? If not, just more of your nonsense.
  4. THC overdose IMHO, Heart racing, weak thready pulse, weakness, sweating, urge to vomit are typical symptoms. Problem with strong cannabis is you can smoke a 1g joint in 10 minutes, but the effect takes 20mins to be noticeable. If you don't know the strength of the cannabis, your tolerance or are inexperienced with smoking cannabis. Best to smoke 1/2 a joint then wait for 30 minutes if smoking alone, not really a problem if you're passing a joint around a group. If the joint had been 1/2 tobacco, you wouldn't have had a problem either.
  5. According to the DWP website, a state pension cannot be stopped (unless pensioner is dead). So it would be not problem at all to prove malfeasance, if someone were to stop it.
  6. They can, but unless the person suspending a state pension had reason to believe a pensioner was dead, it would be malfeasance, and a sackable offense. Now, I have to ask myself, would a lazy government employee with a nice secure job and expecting a government pension some time in the future risk their income over that? I certainly wouldn't.
  7. Same as Facebook in the previous election shilling for the Dems. And Trump didn't need the surprise 14m votes, that appeared in just one election.
  8. Marriage is international court of human rights. Retirement is up to each individual country. 400k in my bank Vs buying her stuff, I'll keep it in my bank. Me first!
  9. The "fiend" is out on bail. Lucky he didn't tweet something nasty about Muslims, that would have had him in jail right away!
  10. Cultural or medical not nomad. I'd suggest getting your teeth straightened, fitting braces and adjusting every month takes 2+ years, and not expensive.
  11. DTV is the way to go, 500kbht required in any bank in the world on the day of application, then you're good for 5 years.
  12. Obviously I was talking about men in general, as in 'we' men. Not female posters pretending to be men on an anonymous forum.
  13. Easy answer, The Thai home room teachers visit your home once a year, while there they assess your income and make notes. If they've written in the notes, nice house, new (ish) car, big TV ......... no student loan. It's that simple! I also knew a NGO guy that handed out scholarships, He'd walk around their homes looking for where they had hidden their car, sheds, tire tracks, all examined. If they appeared to own a car, no scholarship.
  14. Simple question, easy for you to answer, If we (men) aren't supposed to be looking at her in a sexual way ........ why is she dressed like that?
  15. That's what I thought, was he armed? or likely to take hostages? No, this is the way life is becoming in the UK, jackboots and busted doors for white folk suspected of trivial offences. Living in the UK has become quite frightening, but as Starmer says, if you don't like it, you can leave!
  16. I'm not at all shocked. What does shock me is all the billionaires marrying second hand wives. Jeff Bezos with all his money finds himself a 50yo woman .......... why? On the other hand, Leonardo DiCaprio gets it right by trading in his used 25yos for new 18yos every few years.
  17. No need to hide anything, they don't ask, and you don't volunteer information. But if you do offer unrequested information, 1 accept your state pension reduction, 2 accept your randommly stopped pension (due to not recieving proof of life forms), 3 accept your loss of using the NHS, 4 accept your risk of having your UK bank account cancelled with no notice You will have no-one to blame but yourself!
  18. Everything I get is taxed at source by HMRC, they can look as hard as they like at me, and if they find anything extra, send me my 80% and keep their 20% with my thanks. If the DWP could reduce my pension and recover any overpayment, then HMRC would need to return the 20% tax they took out of my gross taxable income.
  19. The greatest threat to all newspapers is the internet and social media. Nobody buys newspapers any more, and at sometime the media moguls will stop throwing their money away.
  20. Same but on Facebook, and they usually deliver 1/2 my order the same day. Why no stock? They have plenty of freezers (mostly empty) The frozen goods have sell by dates +6 months Inexplicable!
  21. This has never happened before in any shop I've used in Thailand! I usually order 2kbht worth of goods a month, usually they can only fulfil 1kbht of goods.

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