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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. 24 minutes ago, wisperone said:

    Why...what's wrong with 60? Still many good years left after that. Unless one has health complicated problems, life can still be great.

    Not sure about that, approaching 64, and the years after 60 haven't been that great.

    Nothing in particular to complain about, just nothing left I want to do, and I can feel illness and infirmity approaching.

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  2. 17 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    People talked about AIDS. But how many heterosexuals were infected? As far as I know very few.

    My best pal (heterosexual) died of AIDs this July.

    Caught in Chiang Mai sometime in the last 15 years, diagnosed in London last year, died in London age 59 after nearly a year in hospital.

  3. 11 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    A normal middle-class woman would hold her own job and not expect you to pay her or her family a dime. If she does ask for money or you are giving her a "salary" to stay home and not work then she is not your wife - she is a prostitute and will move on to the next customer if the money ever runs out.

    All my neighbours appear to be normal middle class Thai women, they all seem to cost their Thai husbands more than I give the hooker I'm shacked up with, and they get a lot less sex (as far as I can estimate).

    • Haha 2
  4. On 9/4/2019 at 12:05 PM, drbeach said:

    Definitely learn the language. Otherwise every encounter with a Thai, other than in expat/tourist zones and airports is frustrating and leads to misunderstandings. I think it's much better to learn as much as you can about a country you are resident in and face the truth than remain in a state of ignorance (this is a general comment about foreigners who refuse to learn the language despite intending to live here indefinitely).

    Lived here nearly 10 years and hardly ever speak to Thais.

    Apart from my family that all speak English.

    I did go into a coffee shop earlier this week, "Lar-tay ron, song gairw kap"

    No frustration.

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

    Bolsonaro is an egocentric ignorant , arrogant , selfish , ugly Idiot if he connects help to solve an ecological catastrophy to his own little pride .

    Anyway it was him who started insulting comments about Macron's wife ...

    He's not wrong about Macron's wife though.

    When you marry your mom, best not to be too sensitive about it.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  6. On 8/27/2019 at 12:27 AM, gearbox said:

    The bus lines are good, you can google the routes, the trip is 5000 dongs.

    There's an android app that lists all routes in HCMC, Da Nang and Hanoi.

    BusMap - Xe buýt thành phố

    In English and allows you to track bus movement in real time.

  7. American Beauty and Fight Club changed my life.

    After watching them I stopped working for the corporate structure.

    Got the same deal as Kevin & Edward, 1 year tax free salary for leaving, didn't flip any burgers though.

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, cerox said:

    But last week when I went to Ho Chi Minh for 7 days, apart from the hotel staff and a few exceptions, most people did not understand any English. This was in District 1.

    Went to District 1 in April, waitress spoke English, assorted massage girls spoke English, students in September Park spoke English. One lady that approached me also spoke Thai.

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