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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. 18 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    They have policy about “unregistered guest” in the room after 9pm. 

    For that reason. Most/every 4 and 5 star in Phuket and Phangnga have the same rule. Trust me, they don’t want the sex tourist. 

    I always book a double room and tell them my gf is arriving later.

    Until booking.com (et al) requires both guests names, I would just ask for a refund if the hotel refused the second guest. 

    Anyway your last post about Koreans convinces me you're not Thai. Koreans are the worst customers anywhere in Asia, known for their violence, shouting and drunken behaviour.


    On ignore now, I don't want to read troll posts. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, moontang said:

    BM, I am surprised you haven't discovered the 25 cent beer happy hour in Sihanoukeville. Euphoria or something... 

    I was happy enough at N-pub in Da Nang where the Saigon export was 20,000vnd (25bht), buy one, get one free at happy hour, that's 12.5bht/bottle. I had plenty of Angkor draft in Siem Reap and Phnom Penh at 50c-75c a glass. I've just stopped drinking in bars in Thailand, all my spare money now goes on holidays in Vietnam and Cambodia every 90 days, countries that actually seem to want me to visit them and welcome me.


    Sihanoukville is just a giant building site at the moment, occupied by Chinese casinos, all the bars are gone.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    Curtain hotel ok for that. No problem.

    Why public? Act like real wife?  Make people uncomfortable because everyone know.


    Tell you what, tell us the name of the hotel you work in, I'll contact your manager and ask him if he wants my business or not? I'm guessing you'd be sacked on the spot for your comments.

    (That is if you're not a white male troll pretending to be a Thai woman)

    • Haha 1
  4. 1 minute ago, uzynkotak said:

    Which web sites are good for apartment search in danang?

    I usually use AirBNB and Agoda for Vietnam.

    Loads of homestays in Hoi AN for $10/night for air-con double room with balcony inc breakfast.

    Bus fare from Da Nang to Hoi An is 20,000vnd (about 80c, 25bht).

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    I would edge a bit more than only 1%.. Places like the village seem to have a steady stream of well heeled Thais coming in.. I would hazard theres a lot more well heeled Thais around than well heeled farangs. 

    I live on a moobaan for exclusively well heeled middle class Thais, all up to their eyes in debt.

    I choose to live within my means, rather than play the pretend rich person game the Thais love so much.

    Around 20% of the properties have been repossessed in the past 5 years. 

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    Or places like it... The point is you go in the expensive bars, and they are doing the best trade, namtons is busy and costs london prices, yellow dog, crafity, parallel (whatever complex name that is) etc etc etc, thats without the more mainstream beer lab style or renegade etc.. Its not one bar, its in general..

    And yet in Vietnam and Cambodia there are hundreds of bars, both expats bars and local bars, high end and low end, all charging 50c-$1 for a beer. Why are the bars in Chang Mai so much more expensive?

    (20,000vnd = 25bht)

    Beer 3.jpg

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, StevieAus said:

    When my wife applied for residency in Australia many years ago we were told by the the lawyer handling the application that it wasn’t unusual for the Australian Immigration to make unannounced visits in order to ascertain that the application was genuine.

    I don’t know why people feel unsettled by such events unless of course there is something to hide.

    If a policeman tried to enter my home in the UK without a warrant he would be denied entry.

    I would step outside and close the door behind me before talking to him.

    Who knows if they're looking for an opportunity to plant drugs?

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, moontang said:

    Let me break the news to you.. You, nor any other pretentious keyboard warrior, bar owner, English teacher do not determine what price people should pay for a hotel.  I own my home free and clear, cost me about 100 per day, and I even have grounded electric, modern ac, and a new ceiling. 

    I rarely spend more than $10-$20/night for a room in any Asian country.

    Seems pointless, it's just a place to sleep.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    Are people really sure that the 'one-can-of-coke-with-five-straws is a 'cheap charlie' thing? I've never observed this behavior before in my entire life, but if I saw five guys rubbing noses together while drinking from separate straws from the same can of coke, my first inclination would be to guess that they were gay, not necessarily being cheap.


    I'm entirely happy with Indian tourists in Thailand, I've gone hiking with several Indian families, they come with me as a family because it's free, they bring sandwiches and stay in AirBNB rooms because they can cook all their own food. They work from the room using the free wifi. It's a new type of digital nomad, but one that hardly spends any money at all, I have respect for them and admire them for being more frugal than me. They speak good English and are friendly, happy and easy to get along with.


    I wish the Thais were more like them.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    Perhaps, just perhaps,  the plan for Thailand is to reduce reliance on sex tourism, I.e. go go bars as any rational person would agree that it is not healthy for the well being of the female population generally. Or dare I say it for the reputation of the country. Don't start the only 5 % nonsense that prostitution is for farang and the rest is indigenous. That is irrelevant in the big picture.  I'm not saying it is right or wrong it is just the way it is right now and sorry for your bar owning mates. 

    Perhaps they should have put some baht aside for the lean times. 

    And a Harley is not a luxury.  It is a necessity as far as I'm concerned. 


    With 30%-50% of the (younger) population using crystal meth regularly, I don't think there's many caring about the general health of the population, female or otherwise.

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Since you’re more of a barhopper person don’t you think you would have been better of in Nha-trang with the Russians?

    The beer was cheap (Saigon Export 20,000VND), buy 1 get one free from 5pm to 7pm.

    The beach was really nice, no tat sellers, no sun bed mafia, clean sand and clear water.

    I was fine for the weekend.


    No plentiful supply of naughty short-time girls so not a place for me to live.

    I understand there were plenty of gold-digging girlfriends available, but I can't be bothered with all that nonsense these days. 


    No direct flights from Chiang Mai to Nha Trang, getting old and lazy, direct 2 hour flight or I'm not going.

    If I were going to make that big an effort, I would have gone to Phnom Penh to visit my boozy pals.

    • Like 2

    4 minutes ago, tcp7 said:

    Last night 4 indians sharing 1 pizza at my restaurant, after they were done I walked up to them and told who appeared to be the leader of the pack, "Next time if you come with your 4 friends, order 4 pizzas, I'll be inclined to give you a small rebate if you actually order 4 pizzas", the guy didn't even reply to me in proper english but rather made it clear from the looks in his eyes that they weren't going to change their "practices" of 1 pizza shared by 4 guys, 1 bottle shared by 4 guys, 1 lady shared by 4 guys.


    Wouldn't it make more sense to put up a sign saying all customers must purchase food.

    Then refuse to serve four guys, trying to order one food item.

    • Like 1
  13. On 7/11/2019 at 7:23 PM, CNXexpat said:

    I checked some FB estate groups and saw that it´s MUCH more expensive a nice house in Da Nang, nearly the double price than Thailand. I found nothing nice below 1,000 USD. 

    Plenty of houses around at $450/month, you just didn't look very hard.

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