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Posts posted by BritManToo

  1. 12 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    Thank god it is more than looks when it comes to have a comfortable life with a woman, and maybe so many struggle because they really cant find someone who really fits them.

    If you have enough money, you can pick whatever type of woman you want.

    And she'll stay with you until she gets (enough of) it, then you're history.


    I was a slow learner, took me 50 years to learn that.

    But I was lucky, some guys never learn.

  2. On 7/9/2019 at 10:58 AM, rickudon said:

    Many African sole traders do fly to other countries to do business, i used to see many returning when flying to Ghana years ago. There may be trolling or an underlying agenda here, but it COULD be genuine. If so, being nasty doesn't help .....  black people are humans as well.

    Slightly off topic,

    When I first came to Thailand I met a very nice white middle aged South African lady in Chiang Mai, she owned a 'hippy boutique' in SA and would travel on her own to Thailand and India for 2-3 months every year to buy stock. She invited me to travel on to India with her (and maybe SA after), but I was involved with a young Thai gold digger at the time. I always wonder what would have happened if only ............


    I find the OPs story entirely believable.

  3. 11 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    I have taken three long trips to Vietnam over the past 20 years, to both the north and the south. The entire country leaves me underwhelmed. The people can be like cold fish. Not particularly warm, nice or friendly. And they most definitely do not have the fun loving, light hearted quality alot of Thai people have. Many really seem to have a chip on their shoulders. Cannot blame them. They have a horrendous history. 

    i don't like foreigners much, don't really care what colour/religion/nationality of foreigner they are, fake smile or no.

    As long as they're polite when they serve me, that's all I require of them.

  4. On 7/7/2019 at 3:49 PM, BobBKK said:

    My advice is NEVER go out with less than 5k in your wallet, asking for trouble. She probably just didn't like you and made an excuse to leave, sorry it happens Romeo.

    I usually only take 1,000bht ($30) out with me of an evening.

    How many 50c beers could I drink?

    • Like 1
  5. 49 minutes ago, atyclb said:

    i guess other statements are based upon your own experiences but do not necessarily hold true across the board but probably true for a high % of expat population.

    I was talking about women everywhere in the world.

    Married men in the west often ask, "Why doesn't my wife have sex with me anymore"

    The answer is always, "Because you've already given her everything you own".

  6. 8 hours ago, JamJar said:

    Whereas someone in a 'poorer' country might earn US$2000, but might have just US$500 in housing costs or simply own their home outright.

    I know some Thais with millions, but I still wouldn't want to live in their teak house.

    Although most poorer Thais still essentially live in bamboo huts.

    I like modern.


    As my Thai step-daughter says (plenty of land in the village), "Dad, I'm never going to live in a house without a heated shower again"

    • Like 2
  7. On 7/9/2019 at 1:21 PM, atyclb said:

    everyones priorities are different, many think its absurd to spend 3000 usd for an espresso machine.

    Coffee is available in many nice Thai social environments for around $2 (I rarely pay more than 35bht).

    Spending $3000 on a machine for your home is madness.

    (It would need to last at least 1500 cups before breaking, even if the coffee was free)

  8. 7 minutes ago, atyclb said:

    If you are comfortable knowing there is often the agenda of getting compensated for going out with you then no problem. in my experience there is a % of females that avail themselves to foreigners that are basically looking for a transaction and it gets boring.

    If you find sex boring, you're doing it wrong.

    All sex (with women) is ultimately transactional.

    You might occasionally get a free one, but that's just her 'chumming' the waters.

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 minute ago, JamJar said:

    At least you've stated your opinion. Even though it appears somewhat tongue-in-cheek.


    Since you would rather be a state of the USA, would you be happy to do away with the NHS, in so that everyone had to purchase insurance policies to pay for exorbitantly expensive treatment?

    As an expat it's already gone for me (officially), it'll be gone for everyone else pretty soon if the Conservatives have their way.

  10. 15 minutes ago, JamJar said:

    Do you imagine the US can give us a better deal than the EU? The USA too would want their pound of flesh.

    What's the goal?

    Quite frankly, I'd rather the UK was a state of the USA than a state of the EU.

    The EU is a liberal socialist state on it's way to becoming a bankrupt caliphate.

    The goal of Brexit is to stop the UK being part of the EU's multicultural Muslim dominated superstate.


    Although personally I'm OK with Islam and it's policies towards women.

    I could grow a beard, if needs must.

  11. 1 minute ago, JamJar said:

    Has anyone ever met a Brexiteer with the power of reason?

    I'm not joking.

    Not one of them can explain how we will prosper, without bluff and bluster. Ask Boris a question and he responds like a buffoon. No actual answer forthcoming. Just channelling Churchill...we shall fight them on the beaches....

    That's because none of the MPs want to leave but can't work out how to hold their seats if they say it out loud.

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