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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. Pattaya namely: Sin City is a place to avoided for the faint-hearted. Evil is lurking around each corner with every perversion known to man is enacted out - at a price. 


    Tourists posing their Gold trinkets or fat wallets are asking for trouble  and will certainly get it. Robbery, rape, murder, beatings, molested, conned are just some of the things one can expect in this den of iniquity. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Confuscious said:


    He APOLOGIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So, everything is OK.

    Thailand, where life is cheap and the whole population are NUTCASES.


    We'll have the 'it happens all over the world' brigade commenting soon. It doesn't. Things they do in this country are pretty bizarre if not killing their own they start on us Farangs. 


    As as far as I'm concerned - it's FACT !!!! :coffee1: 

  3. 4 minutes ago, MissAndry said:

    You stick them in the little book on the 7-11 counter, then take the book in at any time for money off your next purchase.

    No need to fill a book, it's worth as much as the stickers in it.



    Dont forget the excitement aspect and all the time you can lose dithering about with stamp books dreaming of huge discounts from 200 years of savings. 

  4. 6 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

    Thanks for the update Minister, I for one have missed you and your projections. I await your return at the end of the next quater, to no doubt tell us that your expectations have been exceeded yet again.


    Keep up the.good work.

    Hilarious Geordie pissed myself laughing. 

    I agree. I for one don't know any other country in the world that brags so much about predicted tourism figures. It's the absolute Hub of bullshit !!! 

  5. 4 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    this is going to be the side effect from banning prostitution. just another reason to bring it back. funnily enough i used to run the kiteboarding school in pattaya and to tell people in thai what i did i had to say len wow for them to understand, to which almost without fail they would chag wow. len wow (play kite) and chag wow (jack off) describe the tugging on the kite line to get the kite up and tugging on something else.

    I went to the The Doctors and asked for something for wind.


    He gave me a prescription for a Kite ?? 

  6. 8 hours ago, anotheruser said:

    The internet is contributing to this a bit. All of the scams and other delightful news from Thailand makes it to every corner of the world. Though for me the thing that is going to be the greatest factor in this is the state of the environment. Thailand has become one polluted mess. The time it took them to trash the entire country is shocking. 


    The locals seem to have little to no awareness for the environment and all of the garbage everywhere. They simply think all foreigners find Thailand the best place in the world to vacation and don't understand that people are tired of holidaying in piles of trash while basking in the fumes of burning plastic. 


    At least the sex tourists who are seemingly willing to put up with anything for some cheap ass will continue to come. Oh wait a minute...



    Oh' don't forget


    More joyous news of the tourist sim tagging ?? 

  7. 19 hours ago, tifino said:


    and the Notice is all, and ONLY, about accusing all foreigners of Ill-doing... 


    ...what about a more humane reason???

    - such as to give the Authorities a better chance of locating a foreigner's domicile, if their mother country needs to inform them of some hometown personal (tragedy etc etc)

    and for whatever reason the mobile isn't receiving their calls direct

    You gotta be kidding


    Believe me mate there's hidden agenda here. They'll now start monitoring Farangs movements from purchases to where they're staying. 


    This is is a total disgrace and an outrage. Why not tag tourists like suggested before a while back. Thus, with wrist bands to track them or for serial offenders having numbers tattooed on their arms like the Nazis did to the Jews in the concentration camps. 


    Whats next - castration for illegal sex ??? 


    Just saying ...... 

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