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Posts posted by ScotBkk

  1. 3 hours ago, Orac said:

    If 200,000 is enough to cause significant damage to the tourism industry here then the other figures that TAT spout must be a bit dubious since it is a fairly insignificant portion of the near 30m visitors they claimed last year (less than 1%) which was itself over 20% more than for 2014.





    Obviousy, caught out on a Big Lie. It's nigh on pathetic the shit they churn out about tourist figures and Thailand being the Topmost and ultimate destination in the world. 


    Its by far becoming much less interesting than years gone by. Also, governed by military rule and no inclination of any democracy being implemented other than by force if voters do as their told. 


    Anyway, I'm sure we'll all be thrilled soon hearing the Baht is going from strength to strength with new foreign investors clambering for pole position once the latest Big Fudged accounts have been summarised. 


    Just saying ..... :coffee1:

  2. 13 hours ago, mcfish said:

    just a good food cart would go through 50 kilos of chicken a week. thats hell of a lot of dead cats

    Takes me back

    I remember 11rys ago being a newbie in Thailand stopped at a makeshift pavement restaurant. I asked the somewhat iritated man behind the food trailer what he had to eat. He was so annoyed I had the audacity to ask such a question pointing out dead animals hanging up from hooks. He cut off a few slices of the meat after taking of the tail telling me it was poultry. 


    My mates sitting half bevied eating  this shit with rice asked me what it was. I exclaimed that seemingly it was a dead dog called chicken !!

  3. 6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    Pure speculation, but easy enough to get phones from Malaysia and make everything look like it's the work of Southern insurgents.  IMHO, the scale of this is too large for them.  But who knows....


    From the article:


    Sadly, there are several groups within Thailand capable of pulling this off.  Many actually.




    They always seem to give snippets of info to all and sundry as if to pre-warn any violators in advance. 


    The thai equivalent of the Non-Secret Service perhaps? 

  4. 29 minutes ago, 12DrinkMore said:


    B6gger off.


    55 is the new 35.

    Who says?

    55yrs of age is 55yrs of age no matter what way you look at it.

    You cant say' someone aged 20yrs isn't born yet ?? According to my kids I'm ancient at this age and should take onboard soon I'll need to get measured up for my wooden overcoat.


    Thats Life' or even death whichever way you want to emulsify the facts !!!

  5. Short-term effects
    Its incredible how the most recent bombings are swept under the carpet as if implying peoples lives are a mere bagatelle compared to tourism. No other country in the world brags, lies, or predicts such figures of tourists they expect to materialise as vigorously as Thailand does. The baht as we all know is more important than foreigners well being. Time and time again, they’ve shown their major concerns for the leisure industry is paramount at all costs to its survival. 


    Wouldn’t it be nice if now and then they showed real compassion and concern rather than the usual candid hospital visits with the group pictures masquerading as human beings with their flower and basket treats from TAT and other tourism officials? 


    This circus act has to get its act together

  6. 46 minutes ago, shamrock09 said:

    Remember my friend that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The Irish know all about this as history will attest!



    I'm not qualified enough to get into political agenda as such my friend. I'm a mere TV piano player a voice of many the power of none. :coffee1:

  7. Security 


    Unfortunately, it always seems too late to upgrade measures after the ghastly deeds done. By far, this is not their fault given that there are so many problems around the world.  And no matter what's put in place to stop terrorism, they always manage to kill innocent people. 


    All terrorists should get the death sentence same as they impose on their victims. 

  8. 1 hour ago, FourAces said:

    "strive to become a good host for foreign tourists"


    Meaning ; give them a racist tag e.g Farung, Jek, Caak, then rip them off and if they complain about it tell everyone that the Farung is making problem for the Thai people again.



    No doubt Thailand will suffer dwindling visitor predictions again. However, for once they should forget all about these misrepresented figures.


    Peoples lives are much more important. 


    Just saying .... 

  9. 1 hour ago, SOTIRIOS said:

    ...people don't go on holiday to commit suicide....


    ...so when will foreign governments get involved.....


    Its always the ultimate foregone conclusion  any unanswered death here in Thailand is written off as Suicide. For many a year, most of us time served TV members have gave our views on strange deaths by Farangs that never or does it seem to be, ever get solved to people's satisfaction. Usual straight forward evidence like cameras or witnesses are amiss with the usual shitty bungled investigations that leave a bad taste in ones mouth. I for one get a little paranoid holidaying in certain parts of the country being out late at night never knowing what to expect. I'm fully aware it happens elsewhere around the globe.

    However, at least one knows investigatory measures are more thorough in other countries which helps a lot more to deter criminals from comitting on the spot crimes knowing they'll get nicked, 


    Anyway, rest in peace young man. 



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