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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. Where was Pray-hoot on this to Make the People Happy? Billions upon billions to the Military for equipment that don't need, and Thailand's most famous Tourist City without a stadium? Or worse, one that takes dozens of years to finish? Utter incompetence and malfeasance. Time to coup-out the coup leader and his cronies.
  2. RIP. Sad for parents and siblings. But if you play the risky games, you takes your chances. And it's still Darwin that always wins eventually.
  3. What's with the recent news with names withheld, privacy etc? All good perhaps, but used to announce all kinds of details about victims.... including what color undershorts they were wearing!
  4. Checks only every 3 months? Sheesh! Moron anyone?
  5. Who bought and installed the highly flammable ceiling tiles? Owner obviously approved that purchase. Electrician didn't.
  6. Yet billions upon billions spent on useless equipment for the Military. And unnamed ones stand by, condoning all that Pray-hoot has done.
  7. Why is this a surprise or even newsworthy? It's happening across the globe in dozens of countries.
  8. Why are they digging up something like this which happened 9 years ago?
  9. Pass laws and no enforcement, or so selective enforcement that it's another opportunity for certain Officers to simply flaunt their authority. No political will however overhaul the RTP that is badly needed.
  10. Wonder why foreigners are not really welcome in Thailand? This is why. Jerk-wah, dipstick, idiot, ignoramus, stupid IRRESPONSIBLE ass.
  11. 20 against 1? Despicable pathetic cowards.
  12. Snub someone at their death and funeral. "That will show them..." Sheesh! The truth emerges: Putin's simply a low class <deleted>.
  13. Should have a job? Absolutely not required. Tell the retarded Officer to read his Country's own Immigration Regulations. Sheesh!
  14. A GOAT at what exactly? (Greatest Of All Time?)
  15. More tough laws that won't get enforced, so who cares. Blah...blah.. blah. Great photo op for RTP talking heads can get their name in the news.
  16. Yes, wet roads are such a rare occurrence in Thailand that this driver couldn't possibly be prepared for the humongous risk od driving and not having super-human driving skills needed. Wet roads! ....oh the horror!
  17. They just don't get SAFETY, electrical or driving or otherwise. Don't know or don't care or it couldn't happen to me. Sad.
  18. The plot thickens. As does depth of nepotism in Pray-hoot's family.
  19. R.I.P. Brave and progressive Leader and Politician, leading the way from communism. Too bad Putin has regressed Russia back into dictatorship. Regular Russian people suffering under Putin's rule.
  20. Twist of fate? Twist of nepotism and ill-gotten riches. And beneficiary of dead "friends" who had dozens of luxury watches. One sure sign of dick-tater-ship is installing your family members in high ranking position. Not much higher than Ole Brother Fatty as Deputy PM.
  21. It's you. All women will open up emtionally to the right guy. Sorry to burst your self deluded bubble.
  22. Greedy "investors", deserve what they got. Who, with any common sense, would believe 15% per month return was in any way possible, from any investment. They didn't bother asking how such returns would be generated by the Crypto entity? Idiots. Sheesh.
  23. "The simple answer is no." Not surprising, Pray-hoot and his Gov't are a laughingstock over their ineptness implementing cannibis legalization, so how could they possiblity regulate more strict requirements of casino industry in the Kingdom.
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