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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. GOP is rife with dishonest member politicians. It's rather pathetic.
  2. Did she learn her lesson, or complain about how unfair it was upon her?
  3. Pathetic moron, who lacks basic decency. Feel so sorry for his wife, having to live with a <deleted>wad like him.
  4. Here we go again. Directives from Pray-hoot, demanding police do their jobs, and it will go absolutely nowhere. A few more ineffective roadblock checkpoints and moving violations will continue to be ignored. 13000 deaths is unbelievable and a National disgrace. Chief of Police should resign. (Fat chance of that happening.)
  5. The plant doesn't operate itself. Locals had to be employed there, so why is it a big surprise to the Community. They know and knew what was going on, including local Authorities.
  6. Used and still using Xe for years. No problems ever and excellent rates, better than most others including Wise.
  7. 4.0 Lots of nice words, impressive descriptions, lofty goals with NO substance on how to get there. And telling the Private sector to include people with disabilities. That's the Government's job. 4.0 means nothing to everyone except the self-important talking heads who like seeing themselves on TV.
  8. Have used Xe two dozen times over the past 5 years. Not one problem nor issue encountered. And their conversion rates are better than Wise. It does however take a week for funds to arrive at the Thai bank. (Bangkok Bank, from RBC Canada).
  9. Hole and wires definitely should be sealed at the point entering the cabinet.
  10. Anybody who votes for Walker is a retard or a total doofus. Why? Have you heard him talk....he's a total moron. 100% unfit to serve as a Senator.
  11. Bow and take it up the...
  12. Another retard joining the fray. Trump or Kanye. What a pair.
  13. Really? More unneeded hardware for the Military. Pray-hoot must need the Military votes in their Assembly to keep him in power. Billions upon billions upon billions spent on Military, putting Govt coffers bare. Why are they offering Gov't bonds to the public now? No money left, yet spending more stupidly.
  14. No drug test? No arrest after not answering any questions? No medical help given? Just dropped off at shelter. Good police work.
  15. How many millions of dollars does Trump spend on lawyers? It's unbelievable. It's time for him to LOSE.
  16. Oh you are to kind. More like an animal and f.pig than simply a brute.
  17. Stop kissing China's ass, and you then got a chance.
  18. Yes, I always take my passport when out drinking and clubbing. Sheesh!
  19. World's biggest sporting event watched by billions? Yes, a few people are interested.
  20. Yes, the snake made me do it. Bad snake. How about excessive speed and poor driving skills?
  21. Who really cares that Pray-hoot is "still OK". The ego is large with this one.
  22. Ya right. Thailand cashless society. How will all the brown envelopes be converted to cashless that won't be trackable. And how did they come up with 800 transactions per person? More stupid ideas with not a chance of happening.
  23. Pray-hoot can find billions upon billions for useless Military equipment, but can't find enough for something that millions of Thais would benefit and enjoy. What happened to bringing Happiness to the People? This so-called Gov't is pathetic.
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