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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. Can't make up you own mind? Need strangers to plan your trip for you? What are you, 10? Sheesh.
  2. Yes, but Pray-hoot does not want to give up Emergency Decree powers, nor his position. Selfish <deleted>.
  3. What a joke. The Thai Judiciary is a joke. Military runs the Government, country, many Businesses and the Courts. Third World sliding lower. Sad.
  4. Just make sure he's not among the idiot Thai Electricians who wear flopflops or sandals at work. Safety First.
  5. Why do the Police decide how a law is enacted or finalized? Lawmakers make the laws, including all details and Police enforce the Laws Of course that's too rational and logical for this Thai Govt....cue cannabis laws fiasco.
  6. Simply unbelievable. Intoxicated or not, that type of agression is inbred and uncontrollable behavior. Danger to society and ought to be jailed for long time. Try that agression in prison.....go ahead
  7. Will Thailand get involved...? Of course not! When there's been past armed conflicts and (many) wars, Thailand has never picked sides. Have never sent Military to aid any other country during wars. Can't even admit or commit to the undeniable fact that Putin/Russia is a barbaric aggressor and totally wrong invading Ukraine.
  8. He's such a moron. How anyone thinks he was a good President and yet fit for Office, then and possibly again, is a Great Mystery.
  9. Putin's brain? The one who told Putin his Army can roll into Ukraine and take over the entire country in a week? And that the West would do absolutely nothing? And the invasion would protect Russia from new NATO countries on Russian borders? Both Brain and Putin are idiots, brain-dead idiots, rather than great political strategists. PS. It was the CIA, not Ukraine who planted the car bomb.
  10. A bad haircut looks good in two weeks? Are you kidding. Magically uneven cut hair corrects itself?
  11. Gamma.....short on words? The world is coming to an end! 555
  12. Of course, he's going to hang on as long as possible. And if the Court rules against him, then he'll appeal and another year will pass. Then who knows...another coup? As long as he keeps giving Military billions in toys and all the Generals' bank accounts overflowing, no one will seriously oppose him. He wants to be another Putin or Xi and stay in power until death.
  13. If you like all your neighbors and most strangers carrying guns everywhere, schools unsafe due to violence and shootings, and all aspects of Health Care 20 or 30 times the cost than Thailand, go ahead make your move to America. You would be much happier and safer in Canada or one of many European countries.
  14. I'm far from Trump supporter but it's not "Espionage" that he did. He apparently declassified documents, took them home but perhaps didn't follow step by step procedure when declassifying, Declassification Forms not signed or whatever. He will get a slap on the wrist penalty, though many hoping and erroneously expecting jail time.
  15. Centuries old Thai "pride" of never been colonized still strongly prevails today. Thais do not want too many farang in the country permanently. They don't want foreign influence other than Chinese, and that's why they rarely look outside the country for (already proven) solutions to problems. "Thai know better than farang. Thai know best". And as you can see given very restrictive property rights to foreigners, it's "policy and traditions" to let in as few farang as possible. Our expat money spent in Thailand is a mere pittance against the 68 million Thais spending and billions the Government spends annually.
  16. Especially after paying 100,000 for Business class ticket. 555
  17. Yes. Waste more billions taxpayers baht on Military equipment that will never be used? Is China poised to invade Thailand? Sheesh!
  18. Who cares how it's being done...just keep on doing it! F.W.Putin.
  19. Discretion of the Officer.....ya, that will work just fine. Meaning the on the spot fine pocketed will be discretion of the Officer.
  20. Classic ploy to suppress opposition to govt. Fooling no one. Covid emergency long over, but convenient to sustain State of Emergency powers for Pray-hoot.
  21. This is absolutely false! He handed out luxury watches instead.
  22. Yes, let's compare other so-called leaders who illegally overthru legitimate Thai governments. Do both like wine? Do both adore the Military? Are both senile? Are both too stupid to retire and enjoy their pilfered billions? Yes, yes, yes and yes.
  23. You still need a return ticket (flight out). But seems not often it's been asked for by Thai Immigration upon arrival.
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