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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. Is everyone that supports Trump a liar, cheat or bigot? Seems that way. Sheesh!
  2. He's really screw'd now. Deserves everything he's gonna get. Scum.
  3. She waits until after many times this alleged stealing occurred? And now goes to police. Why not go after very first time stolen. Something's not right with this story.
  4. Yes indeed. Do pond.
  5. China can huff and puff, and threaten Biden about a Pelosi visit, but he doesn't control The House of Representatives and certainly doesn't control Nancy Pelosi.
  6. Keep saying no to your gf about marriage and eventually she will leave you or regularly bang your neighbor behind your back. If you are ok with either, then you should not marry her as you are not the least bit committed to a real relationship, and she's just a convenient companion, and that's it.
  7. Yes, encourage Thai Posties to open private mail, even more than it happens now. Especially overseas mail with farang return addresses.
  8. Military Govt keeps feeding the Military infrastructure and ensuring Generals get their cut keeping and creating more millionaires. How do you think Pray-hoot stays in power? Pander and feed the Military, and to H with the general population and the poor.
  9. Until tomorrow, then repeat the antics. But she REALLY likes you. 555
  10. What a bunch of idiots. Planning decriminalization but nothing else to control the outcome. These govt guys couldn't plan themselves out of a paper bag if their life depended on it! Of course they couldn't possibly follow Canada's sucessfyl cannabis decriminalization. 3 years ago...Thai know better. Pray-hoot and his cronies haven't got a clue how to govern. Another reason Thailand will never achieve 1st world level. Military far too involved in politics and businesses.
  11. Same Tony Robbins that lectures on relationships and interpersonal behaviors, but couldn't keep his marriage together?
  12. Grow cannabis and smoke it?
  13. Be wary that in a year or so you will have competition setup all around you, then how to differentiate yourself and stay profitable? After you take all the risk initially, and they see you're doing ok, they swoop in and steal your hard earned business and customers.
  14. What does your contract say about termination? That is, before posing to strangers generic questions with zero details, expecting valid advice.
  15. Is your job that demanding working 60 hours per week? If not, you have time to cook...just be honest and admit you don't want to.
  16. Big Joke indeed. The whole scheme is a Big joke if nobody knows about it. What's so innovative about a Police Call box?
  17. How does one get two valid passports from the same country? Is that legal?
  18. Costs money to plow it under. Burning, cost of a match.
  19. Why strange? Fighting uphill battle the Op seems he cannot win, then moving out is a viable option.
  20. Go LED. Best solution.
  21. You have to actually enter the US from abroad even if just transferring to another country.
  22. Yes of course....colloquial shortened description. But try searching Thai Immigration websites for 'Retirement Visa". Then the nubies get totally confused with the actual real types of Visas they have to apply for.
  23. All kinds of info on this topic available online. Just search for it. But no such thing as "Retirement Visa". It's an annual Extension of Stay on a NonImmigrant Visa based on retirement. One of the requirements is having 800K Baht in Thai bank account for certain time before and after each year's Extension Renewal time. Thus it's not 800K "annual income" required. Search posts by this forum's expert on such subjects, UbonJoe, for all info needed.
  24. "Housing is no trouble either, and Thailand also lands in first place in this subcategory.".........Really? Cannot own a house or most other property. That's a big negative!
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