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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. Don't need to prove foreign funds for wife to purchase a house. You are not even in the picture as it's all hers and where she gets the money the Seller could care less.
  2. First and most important understanding about Insurance companies is they will deny payment or coverage for any possible reason. They are not your friend, not looking out for your best interests, don't care about you unless you miss paying premiums, then quickly use that to deny you any coverage. They are there to make money, and less payouts, more money they make. Use them but don't trust them.
  3. Hapless moron.....aptly put. Of course Insurance won't pay. They look for any minute reason to deny paying. You can wave goodbye as Immigration sends Mr. Hapless friend out of the country.
  4. And this is truly newsworthy why? "Idiot bike rider crashes." So what. Happens hundreds of times across the country each week.
  5. And another shooting in the Greatest Country in the world. Oh ya, "we need all those guns for protection" says GOP. And that's why they're called Assault rifles? Never heard of those "Protection rifles".
  6. And who really gives a rat's nest about him? Upvote or Downvote your opinions. Curious to see. Thanks.
  7. And may get hassled by Immigration coming twice into the country on an immediate back-to-back Exempt. "Why no Tourist Visa", etc.
  8. Means chicken costs more than the equivalent of three US Dollars for one Kilogram of chicken meat = 2.2046 pounds weight (for the uneducated). Get with it.
  9. I don't think the money needs to be proven from international sources. UbonJoe may be able to confirm.
  10. Thailand best country in the world? Oh Puh-Lee-zz! Try Canada....already 2.5 years of legal recreational cannabis across the board. And a country with a genuine Democracy, not fake illegal one created in Thailand by the Pray-hoot coup.
  11. Undoubtedly. But hey Sitsit, 15 posting in 10 years.....what brings you out of hiding for this critical this subject?
  12. Phone Canada. Been totally legal for any use for over 2.5 years. Society did not collapse, crimes did not increase, motor vehicle accidents did not increase. It's just fine. Thai people especially Gov't guys should relax and maybe smoke a joint.
  13. And how did mere mortal you snag an exalted one as your wife?
  14. And of course it's only foreigners who do this. A Thai would never do this....quote by Pray-hoot (about the murdered young British couple five years ago).
  15. What or who's a "y'all" ? Don't think there's many hillbillies on this site, ya hoo.
  16. Fix the problem? Easy...you and Pray-hoot resign. Instant fix.
  17. Mandatory payment upon ordering. Instant stop to hoaxes.
  18. Certainly not doing traffic stops nor enforcing traffic laws.
  19. He calls it as he sees it. Gotta love it. Need a few thousand more like him challenging Pray- hoot and his illegitimate Govt and cronies.
  20. Duh! Millions of Thai people and expats saying this for past 7 years!
  21. Overpopulation. Constant wars always. Rich vs poor every generation. Famine and disease world wide. One could lose faith in humanity. But these are what's in the news. 99% of people do good. So YES to our question.
  22. In "public" is not inside a private business, bar or or otherwise, even with their doors wide open facing the street.
  23. Yep. Six old male Christian farts deciding on a women's right to control her own body. USA Land of the Free...ya right. What has happened to the USA?
  24. Too many idiots in the USA so desperately clinging to guns. Including the Republican retards on the Supreme Court. The country has gone downhill the past decade or two, especially when dunce Trump ran amok as President. Sad.
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