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Everything posted by Jerno

  1. Yes, but that might have raised taxes 0.1% and Republicans would have freaked out and protested wildly and of course blame the stupid sick people for getting sick. Who's the real stupid ones?
  2. And a Thai would never commit a murder, only foreigners would that. Ask Pray-hoot. Exactly what he said few years back.
  3. Oh Uncle Too! There's so much satisfaction to be had! You are stealing it all from the People. Just like you stole the Country from the People with the coup. Nobody cares how you feel about anything. What have you really done to take credit for Thailand's macroeconomic up side. You killed the Tourism industry and spent billions upon billions for unneeded military hardware. Keep spouting your rhetoric and bs, as nobody believes you or cares what you say.
  4. Yes and same doom and gloom and nay sayers spouted horror incidents would ensue when Canada legalized recreational cannabis. 2.5 years later now, crime rate hasn't risen, auto accidents actually went down in number and cannabis related charges by police are very very few. The biggest social experiment in the Country's history was a success, not the opposite as too many "experts" or fear mongers predicted. Too afraid to try cannabis? Puh-lee-zz ! Don't be a <deleted>.
  5. Pray-hoot and his circus of Gov't cronies now want to close the barn after the horses have bolted. These guys couldn't plan and escape themselves out of a paper bag. Genuine idiots.
  6. Are u nuts? Haha. Jean's hot hot hotter.
  7. Sadly once the House and Senate are both Republican controlled in the fall, together with the already conservative SCOTUS, it won't happen and Spur-Military-Boy will run for President again.
  8. Pants on fire. Just like Trump and lackeys, it's unbelievable how they can straight-faced proclaim to the World such blatant, obvious and malicious lies. Brainwashed puppes to their Leader or insanity.
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