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About GreasyFingers

  • Birthday 03/04/1950

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    Khao Kho

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    Khao Kho

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  1. So you believe that mRNA REALLY was a vaccine?
  2. I do not trade in USD but with the differences we are talking about a USD10000 transfer can mean THB20000 difference. A bit more than a few satang.
  3. So you have never paid for anything in Cambodia with USD?
  4. Was that was because you cannot, or it would not fit your agenda.
  5. As if I did not know that. You did not explain why the baht has not fallen a comparable amount to the USD like other currencies.
  6. Do you live in a bad neighbourhood?
  7. And what was the USD in October - not 108+. On a straight comparison to the USD the baht should be a lot weaker.
  8. Don't forget Taksin did the same for his war on drugs1. Now he is lining up war on drugs 2.
  9. What a load of political BS.
  10. Or more boring with you to read make a comment .
  11. I would like a small electric one to run to the markets so I could buy turnips if they were available in Thailand.
  12. So you already have a vaccine for it. If you don't Fauci will have one tomorrow.
  13. And your post show a total bias because you own one. Every time there is a negative EV post you come out with the same driffel.
  14. My GP back in Oz was exceptionally good at picking patients with heart problems. That did not stop him from having a good whiskey though. There are more serious problems in life than wanting to live to 100.

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