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About GreasyFingers

  • Birthday 03/04/1950

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    Khao Kho

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    Khao Kho

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  1. A properly designed sewerage system is supposed to self cleansing. Hopefully Thailand will catch up one day when they install new systems throughout the cities and towns.
  2. If I provide a paid for service to anyone should I not be responsible if that service is used to defraud someone. If you provide a service you should be responsible for it. Sorry banks, True H and the others.
  3. So will the schools have the lady boys, potential and otherwise, having longer hair and the Toms with short back and sides.
  4. It an be a time limited offer. Over the years it has worked sometimes. at others I am not sure what they charged as True does not give a detailed usage for pre paid.
  5. Give the kid a chance. Take him to an ophthalmologist (not an optician) to find out what is really wrong and needed. To live the rest of his life with bad eyes is a serious setback.
  6. If the road is unsuitable then why would the bus be using it? We live on a semi rural road that can barely cater for a vehicle travelling in each direction but we have these double decker buses all of the time and any car travelling in the opposite direction has to move off the road to let them through.
  7. That has been my understanding as well. I receive a State Government pension for a deceased wife. Their paperwork says it is tax free unless over a high amount so I assume it cannot be taxed in Thailand either.
  8. But after you have measured it, can you then look at it and touch it and still feel what you have measured. Because if the poster said he did not believe in a soul, that is his belief, which is totally irrelevant to anyone else who believe otherwise.
  9. So you have been there so you know? You know fire exists so can you weigh a kilogram of fire. You know wind exists so how do you measure a cubic measure of wind. Please tell us how you do these things.
  10. Don, the doctor called the injection Bevacizumab, that I believe is Avastin so maybe you can check. My MAD had stabilised from the last injection so he gave me the option of having two more injections four months apart, or not having one last night and checking with him in three months. The second option was easy to accept.
  11. The bell is the best thing to do if it is loud enough but the cats here lie in wait for the birds and squirrels so even if they had a bell the birds would not hear them until too late.
  12. What has the skin got to do with it. Razors remove hair, not skin.
  13. The BIC replaceable blade razor does the job for me, at about 1/3 the overprice of Gillette.
  14. While sympathising with the OP on his loss, and we have a similar dog problem, we also have a problem with the neighbours cats roaming free. We feed the small native birds and squirrels and encourage the native lizards (not jing jok or tookay) that eat the insects in the fruit trees. We are daily chasing the cats lying in wait for the birds, squirrels and lizards, so they are a bigger problem than the dogs and their sh#t. So I hope the OP keeps his cat(s) secured in his own yard so they do not eat the local wildlife creatures in the neighbourhood.
  15. Don, at the moment I cannot help you as to what the injection is. I will ask the wife if she can tell from the invoices but if not I am booked for another one next Monday and will ask the doctor.
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