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About GreasyFingers

  • Birthday 03/04/1950

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    Khao Kho

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    Khao Kho

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  1. Casinos are good for some people and bad for others. There is so much "illegal" betting going on in Thailand with the profits going to the wrong people. They should just legalise gambling with a 20% turnover tax, no deductions for expenses. Harsh penalties for the miscreants. Major Entertainment complexes are not the answer for the people that like to have a little (or big) flutter.
  2. Could never happen, especially in America.
  3. That reminds me of the Rector of the school (Catholic) I went to when mini skirts first came in to fashion (for the girls). He would say why would you want to look at a girls knees.
  4. I had one for over 20 years when it was popular back in the 60's-70's. My first wife never saw me without one. When I decided it had to go because of 4 different colours I had forgotten how to shave. These celebs with designed stubble just do not realise designer stubble in grey does not cut it.
  5. If you need to renew both car and bike licenses do you just do the 2 hour video or do that plus the one hour video.
  6. You are lucky if it only happened to you in the eighties. I am only in the mid seventies and have to push the body very hard to do a couple of hours work.
  7. It is interesting that your brain has not compensated for the double vision. I have had it for 20 years and it took the fourth optician to diagnose the problem. I walk around with my head to one side and the double vision disapears, put my head upright and I can take my pick of what one I want to look at. Amazing what the brain can do. But sorry I cannot help your problem.
  8. Just asked the wife and they are the local "hom tong". Sorry for the wrong information as I do not pay too much attention to them. Just that everyone seems to think they are great.
  9. Come up here and we can give them to you, bananas and plants. Many of our friends say the are too big.
  10. This is the thing. I retired because I was sick of being busy but now with advanced years the energy to be busy has gone. With the lack of energy comes lack of motivation so what matters about me I am not sure. But I have a wonderful wife that is full of energy so supporting what she wants to do gives me something that does matter. If it is all about you, you have a problem. Helping others can help you.
  11. You should talk to the local Tessaban on what is required. We did extensions to an existing house and the plans were drawn by one of the draftsman at the Tessaban. He also got the plans approved for a total cost of 10000 baht. They can probably recommend a builder but it will probably be one that gives them a kick back. Your two biggest problems will be the electrician and plumber. Make sure you use a licensed electrician as I have seen houses up here, supposedly by a reputable building company, that had to be rewired to make the houses safe. Good luck with the plumber as they are usually just handymen. There are also several building companies in Phitsanulok that you see advertised on billboards along the highway. You can also talk to the building supply shops regarding a builder. So don't be afraid to ask questions of anyone that is involved. As far as the land transfer it can be easily done at the Lands Office. Even if you already have a contract to purchase they have their own forms that have to be signed together with the transfer. Go to the LO with the seller with the cash or bank cheque. You will also be required to sign a document the the funds are entirely your wife’s and did not come from you. But before you do anything take a copy of the title to the LO to check the validity of the title. If it is not chanote be careful as you may not be legally entitled to buy the land or build on it.
  12. Some mothers do have 'em
  13. Just a way they think (hope) will prevent another coup. Less people to pay off.
  14. Yes, had this about a month ago. The real purpose is to give the pou yai a clearance that the whole village is not on yaba. Those that are did not turn up for the test so the pou myai gets 100% clearance.

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