"People in general should be wise enough to save up for their retirement later on in life, not to depend on the gov't, regardless of what you may think is fair or not fair."
Sometimes, people in general do not have the spare cash to save up for their retirement - they live from day to day, and I think that will apply even more during this years "Bleak Winter" due to the absurd cost of Utility Bills (£1700 p.a. average)
I was in a position where I was having to pay a mortgage on a single salary, pay child maintenance based on a previous higher salary, and although the Government Rules and Regs states that "Full time education ceases at 16", and any education beyond that point ("A" levels, University etc is classed as "Further Education", by order of the local Magistrates Court to make maintenance payments until my daughter finished University i.e. 21!)
OK, that was a few years ago, and I sold the house at a substantial profit and moved abroad, but my point is that not everybody is in a position to save for their retirement, due to circumstances that may be beyond their control.