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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Thank you Mike! Also - on the same page:- "We will maintain the ‘triple lock’ and guarantee the Winter Fuel Payment, free TV licences and free bus passes as universal benefits."
  2. "People in general should be wise enough to save up for their retirement later on in life, not to depend on the gov't, regardless of what you may think is fair or not fair." Sometimes, people in general do not have the spare cash to save up for their retirement - they live from day to day, and I think that will apply even more during this years "Bleak Winter" due to the absurd cost of Utility Bills (£1700 p.a. average) I was in a position where I was having to pay a mortgage on a single salary, pay child maintenance based on a previous higher salary, and although the Government Rules and Regs states that "Full time education ceases at 16", and any education beyond that point ("A" levels, University etc is classed as "Further Education", by order of the local Magistrates Court to make maintenance payments until my daughter finished University i.e. 21!) OK, that was a few years ago, and I sold the house at a substantial profit and moved abroad, but my point is that not everybody is in a position to save for their retirement, due to circumstances that may be beyond their control.
  3. I have Googled the Labour Party 2019 Manifesto and it only appears to go up to Page 40!!!
  4. From the post:- "Following the post, local reporters verified the location, identifying the tour counter near Karon Temple in Mueang district." I can recommend Specsavers! 🙂
  5. It's not a lack of education that should be worried about - it's the education the kids get IN corruption that implies it's a way of life here that is the worrying thing!
  6. "......an Indian drunk Indian stoned Indian....." ??? 😕 I presume you're talking about an Indian then?
  7. And precisely which countries are you referring to by "these countries"?
  8. "Majority of us that ride "big bikes" also owns cars." Link?
  9. P.S. I mentioned that they were Swedes not as a snide dig at Swedes, but merely to point out that they drive on the RIGHT hand side of the road in Sweden.
  10. I think you're missing the point!
  11. "the excursion did not kill the kids, illegal gas cylinders installed by the bus company did" Well said!
  12. "................ a heated debate over the safety and viability of school field trips." It's the safety of the transport that is under question - not the field trips. It's just a pity that such a horrific tragedy should have to happen to make the authorities do something about it.
  13. Correct! A few years ago I saw a couple of young (Swedes as it turned out) rent a couple of motor bikes and then set off ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD. It was only when I and my pal shouted "WRONG SIDE!!" and pointed them in the right direction that they realised their mistake. A minute later a cement truck thundered past, so it could have been much worse than embarrassing for them!!!
  14. Pity you didn't use your braincells to learn a bit of English at school, or even learn how to use Spellcheck!
  15. "...........a 28 year old British national who was wanted for trespassing and overstaying his visa in Thailand." Wow! They've caught a master criminal - I can sleep a little bit safer in my bed tonight!
  16. "As of now, no relevant officials have come forward to verify the information shared in the media." Now there's a surprise - NOT!
  17. "Thailand's Tourism and Sports Minister Sorawong Thienthong is pursuing an ambitious plan to host a Formula 1 (F1) street race in Bangkok." Out of "Rush Hour" tailbacks, does that not happen on Bangkok's streets/roads/tollways every day anyway?
  18. The logic being that less lives would have been lost if there hadn't been so many people on the minibus?
  19. "..........we could not have one fail, in 9 years I had 2 fail,...." ???
  20. He didn't say he counted all the buses that are on the roads - just the ones he saw - he didn't do any calculations!
  21. The gas fitters will have been told by their bosses - "Do it or find another job"
  22. Sounds like you're the ideal man for the job as you seem to know everything that should be done!
  23. Probably American - and should have gone more often!
  24. You missed a bit "And all the DLT inspectors' bank accounts!
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