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Everything posted by sambum

  1. Must be terrifying for the trapped victims - a bit like the lads from the "Wild Boars" trapped underwater in the caves near Chiang Mai a while back.
  2. "......as a felon he can not hold a position in the government" Apparently, if he was in the USA he could!!! 🙂
  3. Oh, they will know all right, but if they're not having to foot the bill for the parties, they won't care about a crime he committed years ago.
  4. "However, while the case was still in court, Mr. Bradshaw left the country and was later issued an arrest warrant." What case was that then? The suitcase? 🙂 If he's left the country, how come he was "issued an arrest warrant"? Maybe should read "a warrant was issued for his arrest"?
  5. "............leaving officers to use their discretion." Recipe for disaster!!!
  6. Maybe for the new Government who listened to their own Tourist Authority (TAT), who will no doubt have said "We need numbers above all else to make us look good"
  7. "The local authorities have yet to release an official statement on their plans to address this ongoing issue,........." What?!! They haven't even organised a meeting yet?
  8. Probably the counting system installed by ?????? You got it - TAT!
  9. "................focus on numbers of tourists instead of benefits,...." And I think TAT can be mostly blamed for that with their obsession for numbers!
  10. Well, whaddaya know? There's a surprise!
  11. "Fake charges"? You're as bad as your master! "I'll agree with the verdict as long as I win"?????? I am sorry but I see no sense in your rhetoric, so you are going on my "Ignored" list, but I find it alarming that so many people think as you do. 🤯
  12. "Why the heck should a tourist be cleaning up rubbish on their holiday that's just daft" I can't remember saying that, - I did say a similar thing about cleaning beaches though. Are you not quoting somebody else's post, and attaching my name to it? However I do agree with it being "daft"! And I made no reference to the Aussies at all - it does look like they were just having a bit of fun. Your point about property owners not paying the "council tax" is a valid one, which is why I suggested incorporating the "garbage tax" into the electricity bills , but I am referring to the PUBLIC waste bins - they seem to have all but disappeared - why?
  13. All part of Thailand's "Rich" heritage! 🙂
  14. Friends like Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougall for instance? Anybody's friends will speak highly of their friend otherwise they wouldn't be friends now would they? Talk about stating the bleeding obvious!!! By the way, I do not profess to be an expert on Trump - I only go by the things that he has done (and been convicted of) and to be honest, I can not understand how a convicted criminal can even be ALLOWED to run for President, and understand even less people like you and the hordes of people who support him! Mind you, I'm British - I probably have a different mindset to lots of Americans! And when you say Biden and Harris have no friends, I believe you are talking out of your "butt" - they wouldn't be where they are if they didn't have any friends, now would they?
  15. Agree with lives a "good life", if you mean having a lavish lifestyle, but it depends on how you interpret "good"! And I have to disagree about "nice guy", but there again I don't know him personally - do you?
  16. That is why he is a convicted felon - or a buffoon?
  17. If so many people think Trump is the best thing that the USA can drag up as candidate for President, God help the USA (and the rest of the World!) The man is a dangerous buffoon, and a convicted felon at that! He should be in jail, not running for President.
  18. "..........20 baht tax on every entry exit ??" I fail to see why mainly tourists should be penalised for the Council's shortcomings. A better idea would be your original suggestion whereby incorporating a "garbage tax" into other bills (e.g. Electricity) would IMHO be a more sensible approach. Everybody uses electricity and everybody accumulates garbage.
  19. Couldn't agree more! While the garbage collectors do a good job on Samui, the Council should be ashamed of themselves for not providing garbage bins - as they used to many years ago. The result is piles of stinking refuse ( doesn't take long to go "off" in this heat) that are torn apart by soi dogs (another area where the Council are failing) And the fact that tourists feel obliged to help clean the beaches should be an embarrassment to the Council, but no doubt they think it is hilarious that a tourist spends his holidays cleaning up the beaches that should be their responsibility.
  20. ".....nobody in Thailand would ever pass." But wouldn't the roads be nice and quiet? 😁 Have to agree with your post. My wife passed her test and had NEVER driven on a main road, never mind dual carriage way!
  21. "Just watched Thai drivers license video. Most of it was drive slower, more careful, be kind, courteous and only short beeps of horn when necessary. Watch for the unexpected." Pity none of the Thai drivers seem to take any notice of the advice! A Brit friend of mine just had to renew his driving licence(s), and had to watch a video - not sure if it was the same one. (He's been driving for about 30 years!) Apparently it lasted about an hour, and he had to "clock in" before watching it and "clock out" when it was finished. He said that NOBODY was taking any notice of the video and just sat with their phones playing games or on Facebook. Would it not make sense to have a short test at the end of the video to prove that they had at least been watching it? Or confiscate the phones for the duration of the video? The whole set up seemed to resemble the driving test itself - a complete and utter farce!
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