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Everything posted by sambum

  1. If it does. he won't feel a thing - he is too thick skinned. Many of his statements have been proved false but he just goes on his merry way with his arrogant and ridiculous unbelievable verbal diarrhoea. When it turns into an emergency, he will just say "Well, I warned you that it could"
  2. Agree 100% - he is a troll! Definition:- " to intentionally do or say something annoying or offensive in order to upset someone, or to get attention or cause trouble" I am sure that most of the comments he makes are designed to "get people's backs up" How can he expect people to believe what he says when he comes out with such ridiculous comments as being "in complete control of Covid even if it turns into an emergency"
  3. Do you not mean that he looks upon tourists as "cash cows"? However, if you mean that he is a "cash cow" I am sure that lots of tourists would like to talk to him!
  4. Did you copy and paste your final paragraph from a previous statement? Because I seem to have seen it somewhere (or words to that effect) before! ???? The reality is exactly as you say - no matter how much TAT waffle on about their expected millions from Saudi Arabia or wherever it takes their fancy to ply for customers next!
  5. “The Thailand Pass system cannot be cancelled because it holds data and important information on tourists which can be used to trace them when they travel in Thailand,” Reminiscent of a certain novel:- George Orwell's dystopian 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
  6. I think you are right in which case he was "winding up" the lady in question! On the other hand it could have been Mark Twain (whose sexual preferences have also been called into question), but I like the story!
  7. I recall a story I heard about Oscar Wilde (I believe - the memory plays tricks sometimes!) where he was sitting alone in a railway carriage with a very good looking lady, but something about her - her clothes, demeanour or whatever you care to call it implied that she was a "working girl". After a bit of chit chat he said "Madam, if I were to offer you one thousand dollars, would you consider spending the night with me?" She replied "Sir, I would certainly be very tempted by your very kind and generous offer!" So he said "If I offered you one hundred dollars ,would you consider spending the night with me?" She replied "Sir, what kind of a woman do you think I am?" He replied "Madam, we have already established that, now we are just haggling about the price!" I do not know the final outcome of that story!
  8. "That is part of what makes him so dangerous." 100% correct - to think that there is a possibility that this wealthy politically inept buffoon will be the next PM is scary!
  9. It would be better if TAT and the Government worked together, instead of one trying to attract tourists and the other actively "disencouraging" them!!
  10. "a 39% higher risk of developing depressive disorders." Going by the "mask hidden" look on his face he's obviously not had Covid, and enjoying his time in the limelight!
  11. Thank you Whale - I have been with one particular bank since I left school (More than 50 years ago) and although I have 2 accounts with them that were both a couple of thousand pounds in credit, (and was a householder at the time) I was refused a 5000 pounds loan because I was not a UK resident, but they did not say anything about my current accounts not being acceptable for that reason!
  12. I disagree - I am living in Thailand and have been told that as I am a resident of Thailand, and no longer a resident in the UK I can not hold a UK bank account - so it is Thailand related. However, if you have moved my post, how do I access replies to it?
  13. Thank you for your reply, and I have friends who use (Transfer)Wise to transfer funds from the UK to Thailand , and recommend them strongly. I will check them out,
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