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Everything posted by sambum

  1. When I opened my email from AseaNow, on the "Top Story" heading it was listed:- Pattaya confirms Songkran - but no water fights, booze allowed Implying no water fights, BUT booze is allowed! Deliberate typo?
  2. Okis, if you're confused by my post, you obviously have not tried "skunk"!
  3. "............similar to the religious zealots that spend their lives proselytizing (annoying) their neighbors while offering no evidence to support their rants." Hear, hear! And some of these "religious zealots" are normally quite "sensible" people! I once had a Warehouse Manager that was one of these "RZ's", and used to say things like "I know that when I die I am going to go to Heaven". So I said "If you say that you BELIEVE 100% that when you die you are going to Heaven, I will believe you, but you can't KNOW! How do you KNOW? Have you ever had a postcard from "the other side"? His answer?:- "Now you're just being silly - I KNOW!" So who was being "silly"?
  4. Shhh! Don't give him ideas - because he believes that everybody believes everything he says! Also, it's just the sort of innane comment he would make, and he's maybe got "trillionaire" in his sights, apart from being the next PM! (Buddha forbid!)
  5. "Skunk" from Holland comes pretty close - I think I had an "out of body" experience once with it while listening to "War of the Worlds" on headphones in a darkened room!
  6. Rubbish! You have been dragged into the net by Anutin and his propoganda "Bringing happiness ............................" etc etc From the article:- "It's all about parts of the plant that don't have or have extremely low quantities of the chemical that makes recreational users high - THC." "It's all about parts of the plant that don't have or have extremely low quantities of the chemical that makes recreational users high - THC." Wouldn't give a lab rat a buzz!
  7. A lot of people are confused by this. In the case of smallpox, polio etc, the word "immunised" is used. That means that once vaccinated you become immune to the disease - this is not the case with Covid vaccines. See under:- "Vaccination is the term used for getting a vaccine — that is, actually getting the injection or taking an oral vaccine dose. Immunisation refers to the process of both getting the vaccine and becoming immune to the disease following vaccination."
  8. I'm sure you will, and quite understandably so, but for the majority of people contemplating visiting Thailand on holiday, the risks of getting an expensive "incarceration" on arrival are just too much.
  9. Correct - too many baht to be made "making a drama out of a crisis" (To quote a famous UK insurance company slogan!)
  10. But TAT will try to convince everyone that it is still "Even More Amazing Thailand"! Amazing? " Definition:- a·maz·ing causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing. Most people will go with the "great surprise" bit when they find out what it entails to actually get into Thailand on holiday, and even more "surprised" if they get dragged off into quarantine!
  11. Correct in everything you say! Thailand "pussyfooting" around again has probably put another "nail in the coffin" for tourism this year. And the people that go elsewhere may well decide to go back to the same place NEXT year if they are satisfied with their holiday - which is a probability rather than a possibility as neighbouring countries will be pulling out all the stops to try to boost their tourist trade. So Thailand will have dealt themselves a double whammy!
  12. "So ideally, they should have lifted hotel stay upon arrival, if they were trying to be helpflu."???? "Helpflu" - sorry for laughing, but I love the word - very appropriate!
  13. "So they need planes that can fly at nighy ooh wee that is advanced!" Typo? ooh wee that is advanced!
  14. "Too quick to blame the farang and the security guards." Erm? Which? The farang OR the security guards?
  15. Did you not read the full post? :- "......................when he was stopped attempted to fight the guards and then accidentally fell. Yeah - right! ????
  16. When you come here (or anywhere) on holiday if you are tested and then whisked away by men in hazmat suits, I would imagine that you are probably too stunned to say too much! Also, they are probably a bit reticent to complain in a country that they have probably been told is rife with corruption, and think that if they refuse to pay they may be jailed! As an aside, I know of 3 pensioners that got jailed and fined 30,000 baht for having an illegal beer in a bar, so if these kind of stories get heard by tourists, they are probably going to "stay shtum"!
  17. I agree completely with your last sentence, but:- "The virus is destroyed in milliseconds of contact with UV from sunlight."? So why are there thousands of new cases a day in Thailand? I can't see Covid only coming out at night! ????
  18. Yes I do! One party of friends that us to come here annually and numbered up to 11 people, and at least another 4 instances (solo travellers, and couples) who have not been fror the last couple of years, and say they will not come back again until all the testing on arrival is scrapped. As mentioned above, they don't want to run the risk of being "incarcerated" fore the bulk of their holiday.
  19. One of the main stumbling blocks to attracting more tourists is this testing on arrival nonsense. People are not going to travel with a Covid free result, only to arrive in the destination country and possibly get a "false positive" test result, and then get whisked off to a hospital or hotel, (which is at great expense to themselves) for the greater part of their holiday - I know of at least half a dozen cases to which this applies.
  20. Yes, any problem they have with figures not being up to requirements usually means just adding 2 or 3 zeros - simples!
  21. ".............he would base it on situations." He will base it on what is most beneficial to HIM at the time - HIM and no one else.
  22. "............... would be good if this cretin was put away for a long time but I doubt that will happen with his connections/family wealth." Will be interesting to see if he serves any time at all!
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