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Everything posted by sambum

  1. It's to remind them of their holidays! They expect to be called "hansum man" after a couple! ????
  2. And while they're at it, they could have a look at reducing the taxation on imported wines ????:- "Thailand Plans to Cut Import Duty on Wine and Spirits by 50%" Most imported alcoholic beverages in Thailand are imposed with import duties ranging between 5 to 60%. Excise tax on these products can reach up to 300% while standard VAT rate is at 7%. Combined, the tax burden for imported wine and spirits can be around 400%. (From Asia Wine News dtd September 21, 2021)
  3. Here we go - if the suspect of any misdemeanor from stealing from the offertory box(es) in a temple to kicking the neighbourhood soi dog is in possession of marijuana the police can now blame it on "pot" instead of having to make a proper investigation. (Second headline in 2 days where cannabis has been blamed) I note that the reports do not state if there was any alcohol found during their "investigations"!
  4. ".........and THEY blame "years of smoking cannabis" for their mental imbalance." They need to give the judge/magistrate some reason/excuse for their behaviour rather than just saying "I lost it!" in order to possibly get some reduction in their sentence. And also they may be playing the "don't blame me, blame the drugs" card and "I need help - not punishment"
  5. And how many people do you know that smoke gange/cannabis/pot and take all their clothes off and hit other people with bottles? It has been reported many times over the years that in the USA (and UK) in the prisons, the guards turn a blind eye to prisoners smoking "weed" (or whatever you want to call it) because it keeps them calm and peaceful. On the other hand, heroin addicts will literally kill to get their "fix", so you can't compare pot smokers with drug addicts - the behaviour patterns are completely different. However, you OFTEN hear of cases in court where the accused blames his behaviour on alcohol ("Sorry, guv, I was drunk at the time and I didn't know what I was doing") Very rarely do you hear "I was stoned, man, and didn't know what I was doing". So, no offence, and take this in the jovial way that it is intended but "put that in your pipe and smoke it"! ????
  6. Nice to see the nationalities mentioned in the headlines!
  7. Thank you, but why don't people use the full name at the company when they first use it at start of their post, and then use abbreviations if they repeat the name later? We're not all completely up to date with all these companies and names and some of the only ones I've become familiar with due to common usage are BIB, TAT and TIT!
  8. I don't know who EGAT is (Damn abbreviations!) but reading between the lines, that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest!
  9. "Maybe 1 out of 10 barely profitable aka break even......" Note: - "AKA" = "Also Known As" "AFAIK" = "As Far As I Know" Signed :- "MDGP" (Modern Day Grammar Police"! ????
  10. A few years ago, someone asked virtually the same question of an elderly ex pat American "firi end" of mine:- "Hey, Fred, I'm thinking of buying a bar here. How much do you think I should spend?" And Fred replied "Well, man, it depends on how much you can afford to lose!" Sometimes old is wise!!!
  11. I see your point, and I am sure you are correct in what you say in your first sentence. It's a bit like having an insurance policy that you might never make a claim on, but still have to pay the premium - and goes up every year, whether you make a claim or not!
  12. Are we on the right thread here? I fail to see what a supposed fight between a Finnish man and a Thai(s) have to do with high electricity prices!!!
  13. I saw a couple of months ago in a UK newspaper that BP had just announced record profits, and the customers are paying record increases in fuel bills! Something wrong somewhere!
  14. The way I read the article is that these private companies are charging the consumer to store the product, even though it is not being used!!!
  15. "Praiphon also said even though excess reserve power is not sold into the system, electricity consumers still have to bear the burden of paying for it to private power companies." So am I reading this right? Consumers have to pay private power companies for excess reserve power even though they are not using it?
  16. "Don't call me Shirley!" (or "Surly"!)
  17. "Surat Thani, Thailand - On April 28th, a violent gunfight erupted between two former friends, resulting in both their deaths and injuries to two others at a wedding reception in Muang District, Surat Thani Province." And the next paragraph:- "Surat Thani, Thailand - On April 28th, a violent gunfight erupted between two former friends, resulting in both their deaths and injuries to two others at a wedding reception in Muang District, Surat Thani Province." Virtually the same details are repeated further down the article, but why should the second paragraph be an exact repeat of the first? Just wondering why!
  18. Not at all! But he was also a bit of a "ladykiller", and I wouldn't have been surprised at all if she had "changed camp", so to speak!
  19. Sorry to disappoint you, but it wasn't HIS girlfriend! ????
  20. I saw a post on here a few years ago (ThaiVisa!) which included a video of a BIB conducting an interview of an elderly farang motorist and a young(ish) Thai driver who had had a bit of a "coming together". Suddenly, the Thai guy lashed out and hit the old farang who ended up semi conscious on the pavement. The reaction of the cop was to ignore it completely and carry on writing in his notebook!
  21. A friend of mine in the UK intervened when a bloke was beating his girlfriend up outside a pub. In the "scuffle" that followed the guy hit his head on the kerb, and my friend went to jail for manslaughter, despite the mitigating circumstances. Makes sense of the old saying that you shouldn't get involved in an argument between a man and his woman!
  22. This is becoming rather reminiscent of the automatic visa extensions due to Covid! Or the extension to the ban on the sale of alcohol in bars for the same reason!
  23. "Travelling alone without girlfriend indicates issues." Absolute bullpoo!!! There are a myriad of reasons why he could be travelling alone, but you have to assume that "there are issues" implying that he has problems with his private life? Well done Sherlock!
  24. Probably depends on the size of the brown envelope!
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