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Everything posted by sambum

  1. When I first saw the headline I thought bikers = "Hell's Angels" types, and had a giggle! But apparently, he means delivery type bikers, and I am sure that they are going to risk their livelihoods and /or lives by grassing up the drug suppliers (Not!) How's about the RTP doing the job that they are supposed to be doing, rather than begging for help from people that are only trying to put food on the table for themselves and their families?
  2. She gets the death sentence for a horrendous crime, and as she obviously is not a wealthy woman, she will not be able to bribe her way out of it - for a change justice might be seen to be done in Thailand. Now where's that Red Bull chappie?
  3. You are, however (as per usual) seeming to make an argument for argument's sake. I bet your little Johnny is the only one who is not out of step in the Church parade!
  4. Sunanta was clearly seen rummaging all over her boss’s bedroom and stealing money every day for over 21 times," So "all over her bedroom" isn't the same as "laying around"?
  5. And just lying randomly all over the the bedroom - not in a safe? Sounds like the Mayor is awfully well paid in Chonburi!
  6. To be honest, you can't expect a Bangkok cabbie to keep in his head the values of all currencies! OK he could have checked on his phone, but by this time the fare is long gone (on the nearest escalator/ "excavator"!)
  7. I used to get mocked when I told people that I "worked" at an RAF Maintenance Unit. It was known locally as "Butlin's" for obvious reasons! I changed "worked" to "employed" also for obvious reasons!
  8. Because we can't be seen to be laughing at the antics and tricks that they get up to every day! ???? (P.S. The smiley is available if you make a reply to a post - as I just did!)
  9. Not having to pay for their own uniforms, gun, motor bike etc would be a big help knowing how low their salaries are, which IMHO is one reason why there is so much corruption in the RTP.
  10. Yes, Air Asia charged me twice for the same ticket, and it was a nightmare trying to get a refund. In the end, I gave up after many frustrating hours trying to resolve the issue, and I wonder how many travellers in a similar position do exactly the same? There must be millions of baht outstanding in refunds - especially due to cancelled flights etc.
  11. "Like it or not, most countries and most people of the world are either nuetral or on russias side in the ukraine conflict." False news?
  12. So they're having a meeting on 14th September 2022 to discuss the agenda from a meeting held on 11th September 2018, which includes the details of the agenda from a previous meeting? How is it that I'm not surprised!
  13. "I spent hundreds of hours in bar areas of Pattaya and never once was groped by anyone." You sound disappointed! ????I'm sure it could be arranged!
  14. "Mummy, I don't want to go"!
  15. The "damn" conditions shouldn't exist!
  16. "Pattaya — An Indian man agreed to pay a Thai dance teacher 200,000 baht over an inappropriate touch on Pattaya Walking Street" "to which the victim agreed." Says it all!
  17. If you paid for a car through a dealer, and they didn't suppy it, you'd expect your money back. This situation stinks.
  18. ..................'you get what you pay for' ................. But he hasn't got what he paid for , has he?
  19. He's paid for his 10 weeks party with hard earned cash, and paid for his flight with the same cash. He deserves a refund, and compensation - not scornful comments like this. (P.S. I have seen much less newsworthy posts on here and in some Western tabloids!)
  20. On Walking Street" of all places! And to enjoy the "vibe"? "Heat" and "kitchen" springs to mind!
  21. But, but, but he's been given attitude adjustment training instead of an inactive post! I agree with you however - he should be banned to set an example that such behaviour will not be tolerated from someone who is providing a service to that most precious of commodities - TOURISTS!
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