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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. So my backpacking around the world got to Singapore, then met a French Foreign Legion guy, who said Phuket then Bangkok. Well I was having sooooo much fun on mainly 1 night stands. Then after a few years I got this rash, big red blisters, that followed my rib line. I went to the local Bangkok clinic convinced I had AIDS ( twas in the AIDS period) and he said think it was Shingles. So he did some blood test and sent them off. I came back for the results and he said 'yes AIDS' then started laughing and said only Shingles. This was before any talk about this virus effecting older people.
  2. Sorry for this, but I must keep going to the old 90 day report address as I keep going round in circles. Please can I have the online www link, thankyou,
  3. Great stretches of sandy beaches. Great biking and walking trails. Fantastic huge saunas and ice plunge pools. Huge gym and aqua classes....and the list goes on. :)
  4. @djayz, hi, move your post to the Alternate Energy section. I'm sure @Crossy or others will have an exact solution. :) Just have some idea where your water table is and the depth of your bore. Ours is 60m deep. Also do you need 24 hour watering, then a drip feed system is probably better. Get in touch with Craigy...he's got drip feed on his thousands of trees.
  5. Few years back but I used my pink ID card to get into a national park. No problems, after a bit of talking.
  6. Moderator :) Maybe the DIY building forum should be just the DIY forum? Been taxing my brain since I asked about Rivnuts for a bicycle and thought that the DIY building forum has many more engineering people than the bicycle forum. So just 1 DIY forum?
  7. I would expect 99.9% to be in Thai.
  8. From the death penalty for possession to Opium and Magic Mushrooms cultivation. Very progressive. Why is it then so difficult to get progressive politics?
  9. Make sure the dials lettering on the Bosch machine are in Thai. I bought one once where the labels were all in English.
  10. If it hasn't actually rusted out and there is a old dingy shop in a nearby soi that fixed washing machines ++, take it there and see what magic they can do. :)
  11. I saw a fight once between a Thai and Arab in their bar street. Big Thai guy and not so big Arab. Arab guy eventually won. Not sure if it's the same for all of them, but small guy really had some guts.
  12. I think if you look into it, Australia will work out a lot more expensive. Visa, accommodation, hospital accommodation costs, travel insurance, airfares. Also if you need robotic surgery, not cheap. Also any scans at private hospitals are very expensive and their doctors really only like the scans from their establishments. The specialists no how to use their computers with the local scans.
  13. Got jut the place. That soon to be demolished high rise on the Pattaya waterfront.
  14. Well done Neeranan. I only managed 70 odd days last time I tried. :)
  15. No only 86 days. Don't go overboard.
  16. Yep. If you can resist for 86 days, then most of your withdrawal symptoms are gone. So they say.
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