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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Sometimes the air is so still and hot. There may not be good air flow on some days. Also, sometimes even with lots of overhead fans you are just moving hot air. Sometimewoodworker is right. Why not go for something like that colorbond extension?
  2. What ever you put up there is going to be hot underneath. Just clear will be hotter. You can get clear in a double wafer configuration with colour pigments. I have a skylight like that, but going to be hot.
  3. If you are talking about nasal Polyps causing sinus, don't mess with these as they can turn cancerous as they did with me.
  4. A good plasterer (Thai farmer) will fix that...for a while.
  5. Just too big for me. Carrying a back injury and got 2 other bikes. Twas a good idea at the time, about 4 months when I ordered them to be built.
  6. Yes, PM me as I don't know if I can advertise here. Anyway will try:Think the price is about B60000 each. They are fold up to put in the car. Huge 4" snow tires, 500 W rear motor, aluminum. They were a specific special order so no brand. We live in Isaan but will be in Bangkok on the 12th October.
  7. 'Here in Thailand I don't think any such thing exists, I don't think there is any certification or regulation covering trades skills. Colleges and universities are everywhere here, but none for trades it seems.' There are training phacilities. In a previous life I was the Engineering Manager at a school of engineering. The courses were the Australian diplomas in electronics and computers. Lots of hands on practice. Also German Institute ran tradespeople like courses.
  8. Just arrived 2 new Ebikes, but a bit too big for us older people. PM me if you are interested.
  9. Came to my place and a friends. Said they have to check yearly that you are still where you say you are and get any new photos.
  10. Reminds me of when they taxed tourist on a guestimate of what they spent a month. So you'd go to the revenue building to pay your tax (looking really like a down and out looser) and say you spent B1000/month. They would then argue and assess your tax.
  11. In an Aus disadvantaged school we purchased Apple Ipads for the school. I also purchased mobile charge racks, so that the I pads were always charged and updated. Also had each teacher give me a list of apps they wanted installed on the Ipads. Worked really well. The purchase of Ipads without the other hardware and software will last for a few weeks.
  12. Ladyboys will now have to wear dark glasses, but it should show up their pox marked faces better.
  13. Another factor that may/may not cause a problem is atmosphere temperature inversions. In my case, in a previous life, I worked for the PMG in Radio Systems Design. So before we installed telephone/television microwave systems we analysed the radio path. We could see what happened to the microwave signal over different weather and seasons. Different microwave frequencies fade at different rates. Sometimes we could see that the atmospheric propergation cause the signal to 'bend' and completely miss the parabolic dish. As microwave signals fade at different rates we would either change the path or install space or frequency diversion to 'catch' the signal. Maybe the sun's rays hitting the panels vary slightly due to atmospheric propergation conditions?
  14. AUA in Bangkok used to have (not sure now) a structure learning approach and a natural learning approach. I did both a long time ago. Check it out. Takes lots of time and exposure. It also helps to do the reading and writing program. Hard work. Learning a language is not easy. :)
  15. Trouble is that if it is the main house breaker it could trip on a close lightning strike or an incoming power flick (on, then a short duration off, then on again), or genset start up. Mine sometimes trips on any of these. And the chances are that it will trip just as you go out the gate for a couple of days holiday and you come back to a defrosted fridge.
  16. It has been some of the constant heaviest I've seen for a while ...kuchinari parts flooded from the hills run off's. 3 or 4 days have had to take about 2" of water out of the pool each day....that's about 14 x 1.5 x .04 m.
  17. If you buy some 'one way' walking sticks, you can walk a lot further distance. Carbon fibre, adjustable with wrist straps to take some of the strain. Called Nordic walking poles and they have a Web site and, if you are interested you can join Nordic walking groups all round the world. Reported that you burn 2x Calories using walking poles. Gives you a whole body work out as arms as well as legs used. Nordic have developed a special walking style. Takes a bit to master. I'm 78 and been using them for years as have lumbar nerve damage and knee replacements. Have a go.:) Buy me a beer when you see me.
  18. This may help. There are a couple of old pronunciation books names 'ship or sheep'. They have written text and accompanying CD's. They also have diagrams that show the face or mouth and how the sounds are produced. :)
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