We've just returned to God's Country after a 4 day visit to Fun City.
It's still Fun City but traffic is horrible. They're still digging up beach road and Jontien beach road. They've been digging up beach road for at least 30+ years that I remember.
At least they seem to have better sized drainage pipes going in in Jontien.
Theprasit has always ended up worse with each dig up.
All these U turns shows a complete lack of any engineering planning skills, but who cares?
I had some repair work done to my driver's seat at a little Theprasit shop a few hundred meters from Sukumvit road, near a u-turn. The u-turn is not far from Sukumvit but large SUV's etc have trouble making the u-turn, with motorbike wizzing here and there, pedistrians crossing, thru traffic, disaster.
I was talking to the shop owner and he said the planning people are stupid and accidents on Teprasit all the time. He said next they will close down some of the u-turns.
While I'm winging, the hotel we always stay at has dropped the free breakfast with accommodation and charged B110 for a small beer.
Prices at the big seafood restaurant at Jontien have priced me out of their market. B300 for 3 prawns (about by weight).
Still Decathalong was a great find (thanks scuba).