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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. I had/have one of these 3m satellite dishes that I used then. The problem was Aus. changed the satellite they used to broadcast from and went to a satellite that was 'over the horizon' (no line of site) therefore you couldn't get reception in most parts of Thailand. Feel older now. 🙂
  2. It's nothing about counting the times drains have been installed, but the trickle down economy. 🙂
  3. Thanks Robert and all the breast to you.:)
  4. @Muhendis wrote: '..the solar panel itself is little more than a whopping great big diode.' Can you explain this a bit more please, with respect to 0.7 V forward bias.
  5. I know how to fix it. Dig it up and install larger pipes. 🙂 While at it, put in lots of u-turns when the road is fixed. Don't worry about the sidewalks. Just trying to be helpful.
  6. I used to (7 years ago) get mine cleaned at the last petrol station on the left, just before Sukumvit Rd on Teprassit Rd. If you're in Kuchinari I know where to go. 🙂
  7. Sorry no.
  8. They were still digging up beach road. 🙂
  9. You have to find a place that doesn't hit the engine with those high pressure water hoses.
  10. I was talking to a mate near Nana Plaza and we were wondering if the nearby hairdresser cut hair as well.
  11. When we moved to Darwin as a whippersnapper, they gave us a choice of elevated new houses all built except for cement and lawn. So all of us working on the new Radio Australia Cox Peninsular commissioning took turn in house concreting and lawn planting. We became very good concreters, lawn layers and drunks. 🙂
  12. New rules for bathrooms in Aus, so my son had to grind down the slab already laid with the concrete grinder. Did a good job. Not sure how much (mm) he had to grind down.
  13. Thanks. Yes we ended up booking there. We used the Agoda platform to book as direct booking with the hotel was about B800 more per night and Agoda have a B400 cashback as well.
  14. Driving up from Kuchinari for wife's birthday and would like a nice hotel near the river with a pool and push bikes if possible. Near night time food/entertainment area. Around B1000/night. Thanks.
  15. It could be your jaw hinge. Check (press) around your ear, under your ear, the side of your jaw. I thought I had tooth, ear, problems but found out it was coming from my jaw hinge. If it's sore all around there when you press hard, that's what it could be.
  16. Might try this setup.
  17. This is Pattaya related, so I think you have to go to City Hall Pattaya or Muan Pattaya. To engineering section. If they have time they can draw up your plans for anything (or could). It's difficult complaining about another person/building that is close to your dwelling. You both have to live there.
  18. Just my experience when I used a CAD program to draw up Pattaya 2 storey house extension. I submitted the new plans (in person) to the Pattaya Engineering Department, they are always busy, I did find out that I can't build an opening window within 2m of the boundry fence. Depending on your location and if you do it quietly and don't upset many neibours you can construct renovations. So for my area of Pattaya City, there have been so many building modification, so just go ahead, but may not be acceptable in newer moo bans.
  19. I want to purchase a small solar fountain pump and solar panel. The head of the pump is 2m and the Naga head has 7 water fountain outlets. The pump will draw water from the pool and water will return to the pool. Anyone speced a pump and panel for a water fountain?
  20. Less than 200000 km, no engine problem light on.
  21. I would like to replace some switches that have lost their colour. Anyone know where to get Honda CRV switches, preferably not from the Honda dealers.
  22. Any recommendations for a urologist at Khong Kean University Hospital after hours clinic please?
  23. There are 3 dogs in the Vets, one black and one white Labrador. Also a German Shepard. The Labradors are talking, 'what are you here for?' says the white one to the black one. "Oh to get my nuts out as I keep pissing everywhere, my owner thinks that will fix me." The black one askes the white one 'why are you here?' The white one replies" I'm getting my nuts off too as I dig everything in the garden up and my owner thinks it will fix me". Both Labradors turn to the German Shepard and "ask what happened to you?" The German Shephard replies ' I hump everything and my owner just finished a shower and dropped the soap and I couldn't resist so I humped her.' " So you're here to get your nuts off too?" The German Shepard replies, 'no, to get my nails cut'. (An old Bob Hawk joke).
  24. We've just returned to God's Country after a 4 day visit to Fun City. It's still Fun City but traffic is horrible. They're still digging up beach road and Jontien beach road. They've been digging up beach road for at least 30+ years that I remember. At least they seem to have better sized drainage pipes going in in Jontien. Theprasit has always ended up worse with each dig up. All these U turns shows a complete lack of any engineering planning skills, but who cares? I had some repair work done to my driver's seat at a little Theprasit shop a few hundred meters from Sukumvit road, near a u-turn. The u-turn is not far from Sukumvit but large SUV's etc have trouble making the u-turn, with motorbike wizzing here and there, pedistrians crossing, thru traffic, disaster. I was talking to the shop owner and he said the planning people are stupid and accidents on Teprasit all the time. He said next they will close down some of the u-turns. While I'm winging, the hotel we always stay at has dropped the free breakfast with accommodation and charged B110 for a small beer. Prices at the big seafood restaurant at Jontien have priced me out of their market. B300 for 3 prawns (about by weight). Still Decathalong was a great find (thanks scuba).
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