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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. I hear the caddies are 'special'.
  2. There's no load connected in the shed CU, only the main circuit breaker is ON, all circuit breakers removed and main breaker trips RCBO.
  3. Yep. I always buy the most expensive I can find, but still crappy.
  4. Trying to isolate which electrical cct. is causing random trips of a RCBO. With all the feed breakers (to greenhouse pumps, aquaphonics pumps and air pumps, pool pump and chlorinator disconnected), the main breaker in the garage CU still trips intermittantly. I blew out all the red ants etc from the garage CU and thought the problem was fixed, but RCBO still tripping, but not nearly as much. This only started this wet season. I don't really need the breaker to be an RCBO but installed it before the underground feed to the shed as the underground feed is Al cable (which I now know is a no no) but 7 odd years ago the local electrician said OK. The circuit: from the 3 phase mains PEA supply to a CU on the 2m block fence, then splits underground to the house CU via 3 single phase stabalisers, then a phase to the RCBO on the fence, then underground to the shed CU. So to my questions: 1. Can the main shed CU breaker go leaky and should I change it? 2. Should I replace the wall RCBO with a normal MCB? I don't think the Al cable feed to the shed is a problem, at the moment, even though the conduit probably has water in it, because the Al cable is double insulated and thicker than the recommended underground cable. This cable will be changed when I install solar on the shed. Thanks.
  5. Ordered one yesterday and chastised the Mrs for her strong cleaning ethics (no, that would have backfired). 🙂
  6. Broke the shower pipe off. 😞 Some time ago there was a post on the best way to remove the broken metal pipe shower insert from the PVC pipe. Anyone got a suggestion on how to do it? My way would be to insert two crossed over flat-blade screwdrivers and turn.
  7. Better hurry up if you get our run off water from the Kalasin area. Very heavy last night and took about 4" out of the pool this morning. Not as many pool lowerings this year compared to last year me thinks.
  8. Here's another one: A yaabaa user in our village was going to kill his family as he hadn't received his B10000 and he needs his crazy meds.
  9. True has a mobile network tower about 300m from the compound we live in. So I think True would be the prefered network connection. 3BB is fibre to the router. Sorry for the mixup. So probably need a True SIM card.
  10. Yes Friendship supermarket had all sorts of smoking gear on the LHS display cabinets. I think the supermarket near the corner of Tepprasit and Tapraya rd also has smoking gear.
  11. That's the problem I want to avoid, us continually shelling out money for recharges.
  12. I appreciate your reply. 🙂 I think the BIL wants to view content on the WWW and make phone calls. He really doesn't know what he's doing with the phone, so I though a 1 year package and if he uses his monthly quota, he just waits but doesn't spend more money.
  13. I'm the OP and thank you for the reply and that would not be better. 🙂
  14. Thank you very much. We live in outer Isaan and have True and 3BB coverage, not sure of what else. The DTAC 1490 baht could be OK, I see the package says any network, but will the package communicate with True or 3BB? It's going to be a nightmare what ever package he gets, but .... I just do what I'm told. 🙂
  15. My BIL (with a mental disability) was given a mobile phone by a cousin and now (with his B10000 handout) wants a SIM card. While he really doesn't know much about mobile phones and takes a lot of picture of the ground, Lazada seem to offer 1 year cheap SIM cards which could be good for him. Just be local Wat or Moo Baan telephone calls and more videos of feet and ground. Any suggestions on a cheap SIM card?
  16. Did you see my comment?
  17. Have you tried any Bone Density scans, standing up? This could (it did in my case) show 'hot spots' or areas of calcification in the spinal joints. Standing up puts the back discs under load and with me, one of the discs they were hoping to save, just collapsed when standing up but not so bad looking while lying down.
  18. The cap has a grease nipple under it. Just take the cap off, grease the nipple, screw the cap back on and your electrons will again move freely. My definitive answer.
  19. Yes but it should be paid back as you lose 60% of your money. With no holes to did in the ground for minerals, where does the continuing money come from?
  20. I think if debt is more than 60%, that's not real smart. How can they pay down this debt?
  21. I have a 2014 Honda CRV, that I upgraded the entertainment consul to a Zulex brand, that uses Speednavi V4.0 GPS software. I can't seem to be able to get to their site: www.speednavi.com to buy a SD card map upgrade. My GPS has stopped working. Any thoughts? I can/do use my phone GPS, but I'd like to get my big screen on the entertainment consule working with the GPS.
  22. I think gov. is fiddling as yesterday both my True and 3BB had domain problems like before. Maybe something to do with VPN's.
  23. Me thinks someone has been fiddling with the internet. A couple of days now, trouble with my Aus vpn servers. VPN provider said no problems their end, 3BB said no proble. Their end, but seemed to be a domain problem. Gradually cleared today now back to normal. Big Brother playing around again?
  24. Solar panel only arrived. No pump etc so sent it back. Maybe try to design myself after a bit of reading. So thinking about a 12v pump and a 20v O/C panel into an MPP controller. More reading.
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