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Everything posted by carlyai

  1. Na...that's not as worst as the other one. You keep winning WJE in my opinion, but then I come from Aus. 🙂
  2. As the Chinese would say ' A Bic erection'. No disrespect to my Pu Tai wife intended.
  3. We ordered on 10th December, last day under promotion. Salesman said delivery December. Now they say we are top of the que. Believe it when I see it. Mukdahan is like the end of a run, so not sure they would deliver a 1 off to Muk but wait to drop other cars off on the run. The longer we wait the more wife will get Ped off and want to buy another Honda CRV.
  4. Thanks. Saw the comments, but because I don't have the car yet, not made much sense to me. Just trying to get ahead before I get the car. Not putting down the Thai sites, but most don't seem to answer technically.
  5. Was looking at a Thai BYD site yesterday (forgot to get the link), bit disturbing but couldn't really understand it. Seems the guy with the new Sealion 7 put the car in P or R and the auto brake on, then couldn't get the car to go again. As I said a bit vague and as I haven't received the car yet can't see exactly what he meant.
  6. Read that book I sent you a picture of the cover. 'Back in the Day', when I was in Bangkok going to AUA learning Thai, I used to sit in the Malasia Hotel and write letters for Bargirls. All good fun. Treat it as good fun. When you go home, say goodbye, when you come back get another one. More fun. :)
  7. 'Fine the farmers 5,000 baht'. Typical farmers out our way have unregistered motorbike and some unregistered trucks and make B300 per day. Many smoke roll-your-own, have a small bottle of 40 degree or two, have a second wife sometimes, take yaa-haa and support kids and dogs. Live in a very basic house with 1 light and mozzie nets. So you want to fine these people B5000 for a first offence? The authorities and police are not as stupid as you think. What is a practical solution you would recommend? How would you get rid of the leftovers from harvests without penalising the farmers?
  8. Farmers are not 'profit' driven but 'survival' driven. You obviously have not spent any time in a small village in Isaan near the Lao boarder.
  9. Bloody Trump again.
  10. My Honda is different. Has a button on the dash for Echo mode (which looks like that symbol). You press it to save petrol and changes the performance of the car, air-conditioning included.
  11. ABRP as yet, to me, doesn't have a Sealion 7 car.
  12. So you don't think....I have a 82kWh battery, so can go about 540km therefore 40kWh will get me 270km approx. So instead of thinking 270km you think 40kWh?. Or am I thinking BS. 🙂
  13. How did you'll shift your thinking from km (ICE car) to kWh (EV). I haven't picked up our new Sealion 7 yet but just wondering how you adjusted your thinking. Or once you get the EV it all comes easily.
  14. But if the knight her, won't she be a male then? Aren't knights males? Anyway, give her and Donald a big "clap" for being realists. I will never get around the idea of 2 males or 2 females having kids. But that's just puritan me.
  15. We are married in Australia and Thailand, but wife kept madien name also.
  16. Don't know why not. Their initial reason for not allowing joint accounts was that if you had B800000 only half of it was yours as it was a joint account. That's what they told me ages ago.
  17. Yes, when I questioned my bank they said new requirements from new government policy. They also said that my wife and I would not be able to transfer significant amounts between our accounts, so I tried it and we can, maybe releasing baht is the same, ie it is a new reg. but maybe not inforced.
  18. Hope you get an answer as that would be great. Another solution would be to have B1.6mil in joint account with the best bank rate in a yearly term deposit.
  19. Garbage. Check out the number of International schools in Thailand. Many in Pattaya. People who send their kids there are fairly well off.
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