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Everything posted by Fairynuff

  1. That’s not friendship
  2. Not sure you have one to change tbh.
  3. Look around this forum, he’s not the only one who believes his fantasies.
  4. Just remember not to go near any 5G masts and you’ll be fine.
  5. Couldn’t they just leave the mic on and mute trump?
  6. I take all your points. The cash WE bring in is for day to day stuff and with 2 trips a year it’s not massive. FX shops don’t always take your ID. I/we (teerax isn’t Thai!) are heavily invested here and would most likely sell assets here. Plans already underway to have base in Europe. I hope the authorities here see sense but having been here for so long I also see the futility of what I just said.
  7. Those loud people that live in his head.
  8. You have to let the conspiracy theory lovers have their rants, and as we know there’s no shortage of them on this forum!
  9. Can’t we have both? I mean they’re so much alike, double the fun taking the p**ss
  10. Do you do stand up by any chance Susan?
  11. It’s not a new route, I’ve done more times than I could count and was sad when it stopped. Of course it’s easier and sometimes cheaper to fly but some of us just enjoy train travel.
  12. He gets all the nutrients he needs from Burger King thank you.
  13. Over the (long) period of time I’ve been living here I’ve seen the visa rules change a million times and almost never to make things easier. When every IO has the power to interpret the rules THEIR way instead of following fixed rules, the end result will always be that your status here is precarious. I accepted that long ago, I accepted too that the “powers” don’t really want us here. I spend my money as much as possible with small businesses where I’m sure I’m benefiting “real” people and I’m most likely to be appreciated. If Thailand wants to compete it has a long way to go but I think the national arrogance will prevent that from happening. The next big issue for me is taxation. I’ve already started bringing cash back with me on regular trips back home. I will not pay tax on inward transfers, I’ll just spend less time here and my plans are already well underway. I’ll just tell Thailand “ I’m not care you”. I’m sure everyone of us has had that little nugget hurled at us more than once.
  14. The Spammer in Chief, those fingers must be so swollen from hitting the keyboard.
  15. I’ll give her 5 minutes before she gives way to daddy. I could be wrong though, it might be quicker than that.
  16. 47% would vote for him. It’s shocking that in spite of everything there’s still a lunatic cult following.
  17. I left Hua Hin about 10 days ago and a couple of days later a friend told me she’d been sick and suspected it was food related. 4 days later her daughter had the same and was travelling back to NZ still sick. I’ve subsequently heard about 3 other people, unconnected to me or them that have suffered the same. It seems that there is a bug going around. Has anyone else either had this or heard about it?
  18. Aaaww bless. Whilst yours are deluded. Goodnight
  19. You’re so far down your cult rabbit hole. Beyond redemption, I’ll just leave you to it.
  20. WANNABE dictator, there’s a difference. Are you trying to say yes not a racist? Don’t answer, I know you are. Hitler? Noooo he’s nowhere near as smart but just as hideous.
  21. Does trump ever have anything to say about anyone beyond childish nicknames and insults?
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