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Everything posted by Fairynuff

  1. Can’t see the wood for the trees.
  2. Your man is too old, too demented and too deluded.
  3. That’s not what I was told by the doctor, but the fact is I’ve been immunised and I’m happy.
  4. Based on your assertion you should be supporting Kamala. You appear to be confused.
  5. I had a course of rabies shots at the Red X in Bangkok last year as a precaution because I befriend soi dogs and cats at every opportunity. 3 shots over a period of time. Total cost approximately 2000 total as I remember. No pain or side effects. If ever I get bitten it’s just a single booster shot. Well worth doing even though I’ve never been bitten. It just makes sense.
  6. My lifestyle choices meant I had quite a few long periods missing and when I was advised to look into filling in the gaps I was sceptical until I thought I shouldn’t be giving this up. I called the pension forecast department who were incredibly helpful and confirmed everything I.needed to do and pay by phone and letter.
  7. I’d rather live with geckos than someone like you
  8. Thanks for updating the location. I’ve been there recently
  9. Is that what happened to the first two?
  10. I’ll never understand why people eat that stuff when there’s so much really good fried chicken available on the street.
  11. Paralleled only by the Christian “community” particularly in the US. Having said that, religion is all about money and control, whichever religion that is.
  12. People having a good time and dressing the way they choose for a party time isn’t nonsensical…. except to people who just live to be angry about something that doesn’t negatively impact on them in any way. If it offends you that much…..fine by me.
  13. So making a point whilst having a big party that’s attended by many who aren’t LGBT is nonsense to you? I suppose on the plus side, the fact that this bothers you so much will be to the delight of all those who are supportive.
  14. You see me as a victim of ignorance, I see you as a victim of those who use conspiracies, which is what they are to get clicks which in turn gives them revenue. You talk about US enriching “big pharma” but I see you as enriching the snake oil salesman. I see the evidence of saved lives, you see people like me dropping like flies from a vaccine. As long as you’re happy that’s fine.
  15. Yeah the evidence is all there, tik tok and YouTube are full of your “evidence”
  16. Ain’t nothing normal about you lot
  17. Oh dear, watch out for those 5G masts too.
  18. The conspiracy theorists are good for clicks=revenue. On the upside they keep us normal people smiling. I’m happy to let them live down their rabbit holes.
  19. I’ve never once encountered a dodgy meter surprisingly. I was once shouted at and thrown out of a taxi when I asked to go the way I knew to be shorter than the way I saw he planned to go. He dumped me right next to the MRT so I went one stop and had a 5 minute walk home.
  20. So if I have to spend a maximum of 179 days a year here so be it.
  21. It’s only political rubbish coming from the bigots. It’s just about people wanting to be treated fairly and equally.
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