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Everything posted by jimn

  1. Easy. If fully vacconated. Book your flight. No pre departure test required. Book your day 2 Lateral flow test online. Fill out the Passenger Locator Form online. Fly to the UK. Easy.
  2. Sorry but you are just making excuses. You have family here bit cant make the effort to come and see them. Shame on you.
  3. Well I have gone back to the UK twice since this nonsense started. 2020 and 2021. Granted I had to do 14 days and then 7 days quarantine on my return bit its worth it to see my grandkids. I disagree about skyhigh airfares I dont know where you got that from. In 2020 a return with Quatar for 23,900 baht. In 2021 a return with Finnair for 21,400 baht and I have just booked my return this year with Qatar for 22,650 baht.
  4. Fit to Fly not needed since last April. T8 not needed since Thailand Pass introduced.
  5. Not there any more. Some bars requiring an ATK test, especially on Soi Baukeau. The area and Tree Town very quiet now after the madness of Christmas and the New Year.
  6. Do something about it then
  7. There is no 14 day AQ since the African countries were allowed the same entry rights into Thailand. Its now 7 days for vaccinated people and 10 days for un vaccinated.
  8. Look @DrJack54. There are too many know all people on this forum already. I could have pointed out to the OP exactly the same as @Sheryl. There are no brownie points here for making the OP look stupid.
  9. You just come across as somone in a fan club. I could have pointed out to the OP exactly the same as @Sheryl. There are no brownie points here for making the OP look stupid.
  10. Look. There are too many know all people on this forum already. I could have pointed out to the OP exactly the same as @Sheryl. There are no brownie points here for making the OP look stupid.
  11. OMG I know you are correct but your post is full of pedantic nonsense. The only helpful point to the OP is your last point. The previous 3 points just point out to him that his terminology is wrong. There is no need for it. As a moderator you should be a bit more sensitive.
  12. Everyone should just carry on as normal and if you get sick stay home. This virus is not going anywhere in the short or medium term. As soon as people realise this and accept it we can move on. I predict by the summer that the UK will be treating Covid the same as the yearly endemic flu virus.
  13. Some good stuff, great humour but way too long. I got bored halfway through and stopped reading.
  14. Ok thank you Tony. We live together in Thailand and travel together to the UK. I do not give her a set amount just money in cash when she needs it once a week 1000 baht. I pay for all our bills from my account and shopping in Lotus etc on my card. Its non complex works for us, I just hope UKV1 understand.
  15. Its no worse than a bad flu season https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-59909860
  16. Thank you for the prompt detailed response. Just a follow up if I may. I have my company pension paid into my bank account monthly and come April my UK State Pension. About £2,500. How much money are they looking to see in a bank account? I prefer not to leave large sums in my account. I can if necessary arrange for a sum of money to be deposited in my account but I dont want to do that and it could be counter productive. I can show about £3,500 in a savings account, £15,000 in UK Shares and available credit on my cards of about £30,000. I own my house in the UK outright, no mortgage. Thanks again
  17. I am not I am just correcting you. In fact most of the critical incidents are now under control.
  18. I am just helping my wife with her next UK Standard visit visa application. She has previously be granted 3 x 1 year visas and the last one a 5 year visa. As we visit and travel together once a year to visit my young family she is going to apply for a 10 year visa as she has a good reason and a good travel history. This is her fist application via the new process since the last application was over 5 years ago. I am sponsoring her visit and have previously submitted many photocopies etc to prove finance ie bank statements etc. My question is. What exactly are they now asking for from me to provide proof of finance. The guide notes say 4. If you have a sponsor If someone else (your sponsor) is providing your travel, maintenance or accommodation you should provide evidence showing: what support is being provided and whether it extends to any dependent family how this support is being provided Do they want me to send bank statements? If so how many months? or is it batter to enclose other proof such as (1) I can provide separate proof of income (2) I can provide proof of State Pension (3) I can provide proof of outright home home ownership in the UK Your thoughts please @Tony M@theoldgit@7by7 Thank You
  19. No test and go hotels in Koh Chang. They probably went to Koh Chang after testing negative on arrival test. Took the day 6 test in Koh Chang. Probably caught the virus in Thailand.
  20. Dont make things out to be worse than they actually are. The critical incidents in a few hospitals have been declared due to staff shortages, ie having to self isolate after close contact with someone over Christmas and the New Year. This will soon pass. Dont also forget that the 17,988 people in hospital are not all there because of Covid. Only some are. The rest are in hospital for other reasons and just happen to have covid. Of the 17,988 people in hospital only 875 are serious and on Ventilators. 90% are unvaccinated
  21. To those of you who type out an answer about alcohol without engaging you brain. Of course alcohol does not directly cause a surge in covid infections. However its the environment that alcohol is consumed in that is the problem. Before you jump on me and say I am anti alcohol. I enjoy a good drink. I live just outside Pattaya and enjoy visiting the Pattaya bars and gogo's when open. The problem is and its the main reason I am staying out of them at the moment is peoples drunken behaviour. Shouting, hugging everyone, much too close contact with fiends and imposing themselves on other people. Its no wonder that covid is now rife in the Soi Baukau and Tree Town areas. Dont get me wrong I feel its time to move on from covid and start getting things back to normal, a path the UK now appears to be on. What worries me however is the Thai authorities attitude to Covid, admitting people to hospital with no symptoms and being landed with a big hospital bill. I have been in and out of Thailand twice in this pandemic and done quatantine twice. Waiting in the hotel room for the results of the 2 PCR test lottery each time is not something I wish to do again.
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