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Everything posted by jimn

  1. This is the one and only effective cream and I have tried many hydrocortisone ones. Best ever find here.
  2. Its a Thai club, nothing to do with Tourism or farangs. These clubs are everywhere in Pattaya in non tourist areas.
  3. I am 66 and its easy. Expand the text and or the screen if you need too. I am posting this from my mobile. I never use a laptop other than to look movies etc
  4. Well use the app then. Its a well known fact that the Grab good app is the very very easy way to order food in Pattaya. You come on asking for advice and then when given it question the answers. You seem to be living in the dark ages.
  5. People should stop getting their knickers in a twist. These venues are not the traditional tourist venues on Walking St and LK Metro, but Thai venues on 3rd road etc where very few foreign tourists go. Now if Republic, Insomnia, Bliss or Escape were raided then it would be a concern.
  6. @AndyAndyAndyhow long have you been married to this obviously stupid woman. Seriously it cant be the first time she has shown this irrational behaviour. More fool you for putting up with it. Its obvious that this woman should have been ditched years ago. Sorry you brought this on yourself. Unbelievable
  7. Really bad planning here. The expiry date of your passport did not suddenly happen, you must have known it was expiring and that you would have this issue. You should have got a new passport 6 months ago, issue sorted.
  8. Its the same time every year it never changes. The last day is always 19th and starts as early as the 10th on some soi's. If you have never experienced it then fine. However most of us hate it and either go somewhere for 10 days or stay home.
  9. Ok thanks. Not been there for a while. When mine was rejected I was directed down to a lower floor where they could do it for us, I assumed they were still there.
  10. Its a scam at the MFA. They rejected my translation as well. They like you to use their own in house translation service which of course passed first time
  11. Deleted same joke lol
  12. No chance, small bottle
  13. Close the thread. The OP is obviously trying to wind people up.
  14. Its easy to say that. A lot of people me included do not wish to leave 800k wasting away in a Thai bank and prefer to pay 13k to an agent. Before you say that "if you cant afford to leave 800k in a Thai bank then you should not be here". I say. I own fully £350k my own house in the UK and with my Thai wife a house worth 7 million baht in Thailand. Its about choice. I do accept however that there are some who cannot show the money in income or in funds and live day to day. These people have no choice but to use an agent. But they have enough money to live on and are no problem to the Thai authorities.
  15. I am convinced its got nothing to do with what Thai bank you transfer too or the time of day. Its more to do with the reason for the transfer. If you select "general living expenses" it is done almost immediately. If you select "funds for long stay in Thailand" it can take much longer due to them ensuring that an FTT transaction is shown on the statement for immigration visa purposes.
  16. Because they are operating as a taxi. They want you to go to the driver and ask the price. If you just try to get on the back for 10 baht, they drive off. Surprised you dont know this.
  17. I avoid Bangkok like the plague. Its a dirty busy city, with the nightlife spread over too far a distance. I much prefer Pattaya with all its main nightlife in 2 tight geograpical areas on Soi Baukau/LK Metro/Tree Town and Walking Street. Prices much more resonable as well.
  18. I agree with that. By the way I was responding to a post with a 3.5 year old link that mentioned dirty black water at Na Jomtien.
  19. Are you serious, what are you on? That is an article over 3.5 years old. I swam in the sea at Jomtien today. The water was very calm and very clear. Followed after by 3 beers watching the sunset. A perfect day and evening, you cant get that in Bangkok its just a busy smelly city and Chaing Mai full of air polution. Pattaya/Jomtien for me every time.
  20. Personally now that all the tourists are back I do not like Pattaya at all. Pattaya is great when its busy but not full of all the 2 or 3 week millionaires who are now decending here in their droves. The roads are busy and journey times have doubled. I also hate it when the foreigners who bring their foreign wives/girlfriends with them. The women look down their nose at the the many beautiful Thai girls and the men just stare and wish they had left them at home.
  21. jimn

    Drink Driving

    There are no more checks than normal. There are 3 main areas you avoid that nearly always have checkpoints. 1. Outside the old Tony gym at the junction of Pattaya Tai and 3rd road. 2. As you mentioned at the junction of Pratumnak and Thrapraya road 3. On 3rd road by the Dolphin roundabout. These checkpoints are nearly always there, avoid them. I know of no others. The police do not set up random checkpoints anywhere in the city at that time of night.
  22. You choose to live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by uneducated Thai's. Then you complain. Come on now. Its your own fault.
  23. Been doing it for 10 years. Used to bring bacon as well, lol.
  24. We bring back from the UK. (1) My favourite Sausages 4 kilos (2) Cadburys chocolate loads (3) Cheese 2 kilo (4) Anti pirspirant loads (5) Shaving gel (6) My medication 7 months worth Many other things I cant remember. All the above expensive in Thailand. Never been checked coming out of UK and the x ray machines at BKK are rarely used, just there for show.
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