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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. I have been looking but still not able to find any "great" deals!


    When i purchased my real-estate here it took months to find properties worth buying. None were steals but all have earned money over the past 7 years and all could be sold at a small but higer value than i paid.

    Prices ,baht wise may well go up in the foreseeable future,last few viewings of reports into the bahts promising potential do not look too rosy,good to see a plunge in value. Asking more for far less baht value

  2. Cannot believe they are still attempting to sell some of the unveiled rubbish that have tanked,but yes the Venetian themed one is being pushed now by the Russians,love to see this one launched (or not).

    Not sure what you talk about, but the Ventitian Pattaya is more than "launched"



    Those pictures were taken during lunch time or on a public holiday?

    Putting a minimal amount of workers there gives the impression all is well,attempting to wring out just a few more mugs Now the baht is getting ever stronger,the Euro and Ruble ever weaker,does not bode well for anybody with farang tag

  3. Just reading this thread and there seems some uncertainty about whether or not govt agencies have access to info on bank accounts and transactions. Surely the Banks could tell us? I understood, maybe wrongly, that while they cannot access your account or find out amounts they can find out if you are regularly transferring money abroad.

    yes you are understanding it wrongly

    It was something i read on here from a poster who claimed he knew what he was talking about, worked for the the excise and customs, or maybe not!

    There is,and has been quite a few posting on here likened to your quoted poster "knew" what they were talking about,also connected to another post of yours that does at time to time get an airing.

    I put it in the category of the brown stuff being flushed down the pan

  4. Just reading this thread and there seems some uncertainty about whether or not govt agencies have access to info on bank accounts and transactions. Surely the Banks could tell us? I understood, maybe wrongly, that while they cannot access your account or find out amounts they can find out if you are regularly transferring money abroad.

    yes you are understanding it wrongly

  5. bought in BKK ,came with pre loaded apps,but no good for me,need to download fresh ones and looking at you tube to do it. Got it hooked by cable to TV via ethernet switch via comp plus got WI FI

    One problem is it asks me to sign in to Google,which I have tried as have Google account,does not recognise,will have to create new one? .

    Anybody else have problems?

  6. dont apologize just be thankfull for youself, your the guest. This is my opinion as thats what this thread is about.

    u have to rrealize that its not the east your in when your in thailand, the east n west are the same today, everyones on the same shit, it comes down to were to u want to live like a westerner, now void of the girls which aint that great or that cheap im saying what's it got?



    just being honest, i dont find thai people all that wonderfull, im not a drinker and i dont like to pay for hookers.

    this is the reason why u dont see hordes of young dudes anymore in thailand they dont need it anymore, all girls are loose.

    and after that what u got?

    most people know thilands best days are gone and think bout leaving ll the time, meaning they will soon regret not leaveing earlier, it doesnt mean u have a bad attitude it just means your want to see more things and something differant.

    thailand is best enjoyed on the fly anyways. your simply a life long guest anyways.

    You have more of a subtle way of putting things into perspective ball dip,you are quite correct,but it comes to being old and buggered,too idle ,lazy perhaps to make a move until its too late....the airplane will not carry you anywhere anymore....you look too buggered

  7. Just heard about a guy who got a new passport which lead to the pension folk presenting the guy with a demand for 30,000 quid.

    He ain't got it, so his pension has to cover it until paid. w00t.gif

    Just heard about a cow that couldn't jump a ditch,had to wade through a load of shit

  8. Yes Pattaya aren't Tokyo-London or New York where the prices likely will only go up and up, unless the whole World collapses.

    Here, no way, the saturation point is long time passed and not until the Russians get their Rubble sorted and can afford to buy again the prices will continue to drop.

    Its gonna get interesting to watch the market here in 2015.

    But the part which is astonishing to me is that some real estate developers seem to have no risk aversion whatsoever.blink.png

    When I visited Big C Extra this evening I couldn’t believe it when I saw a large area near the escalators occupied by yet another new sales team promoting another proposed new luxury condominium development on Pratumnak Hill called “ The Cloud “.

    And then just a few days ago I was shown a brochure by the real estate group New Nordic development where they are starting to promote not one but two luxury condominium buildings in the shape of castles! They are intending to build even more castle -type structures all to be connected with underground tunnels and bridges.

    I keep thinking of what Barry Eichengreen who is in an economic historian at the University of California Berkeley said two weeks ago when he spoke on a panel discussion about the euro crisis. He said in the short run the economic impact of Greece exiting the euro zone would be “ Lehman Brothers squared “.

    But that’s just one of the many economic problems facing the world right now. With the current supply of all the completed but unsold condominiums you would think they would be worried about adding even more supply?crazy.gif

    Did bring this Big C selling teams agressive approach up few months ago,avoiding one set of escalators,bit more subdued now,could not get past without jumbles of advertising crap offered. Couple of times a professional closure,thick set middle aged Thai guy, was brought in to try and boost sales over the rather lax girls attempts. One of them used to stand back from the kiosk and scan anybody that even half way looked at his kiosk and then pounce,and did he pounce,another a Russian stood at the top of the escalator studying anybody who looked mug enough getting carried forward and upwards towards him and pounce

    Cannot believe they are still attempting to sell some of the unveiled rubbish that have tanked,but yes the Venetian themed one is being pushed now by the Russians,love to see this one launched (or not).

    Soi 15 is going to be heavily punished in Pattaya,not detailing anything,but what a horrible mess is about to unravel

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  9. Shop finished a while back. The wheels are easily replaced,just look at the rubbish tips that abound,more ripped /torn luggage. Pressed on,a hammer will do,or circlip holding the wheel on . Improvise,sorry all I can suggest

  10. Thanks for the advice. Just get tired living here, reading/listening to rip off stories,no doubt true,and a host of other things,"please buy my caff" crap,stopped going to breakfast in my nearest one,getting my ears bashed off, rip off after rip off Likened to another day at The Mad Hatters Tea Party every day here in Patts and the same all over Thailand I imagine,(well worse)

    Just want to get back to where near normality exists,no visas,no bent cops on every street corner,noise noise noise Demographics are certainly changing Korean,Chinese and Indians,thanks but no thanks,want no part of that lot

    Done bit of homework on marriage,buy a place before marriage No buying land/house then every sod miles around claims it two minutes later,or threats of confiscation,anyway try selling anything now in Thailand. Divorce is easy ,just write to the amphur, will be a ten bob marriage too Companionship is a plus, get on OK with her after many years , shirts washed and ironed,swept and mopped tiles before sun up, and of course no hairy women,sounds too good.

    Just want to do normal things like,growing olive trees,turnips ,carrots,anything,be able to say things without your head being blown off. Few things to polish off that will take around 15 months or so, but good to get an aiming point in life,even later life

    Basically I do not think Thais generally want long term farang here anymore There is only one visa now that Thais could have a shot at and that's the retirement visa extension,anything affecting that is curtains anyhow,sigh of relief when the chain is extended for another 12 months

  11. My spanish mate from Madrid who live in Manchester now told me that Portuguese women are very hairy - hope this helps.

    Apart from this funny quote,its looking good. Just the long time Thai G/F is the problem,like to keep her in tow,but racism I'm told could be the problem for her,probably will have to marry her to smooth her right of passage,but no big deal if she cannot adjust,return ticket for her. Some really good,and I mean really good web sites out there giving advice,really specific too,Spain included

    Everything else ,mutts,renting,buying,is all so easy,sorry I did not go for it years ago,go for a look-see in a month or so

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  12. How is the situation now The Fifth Jomtien (the Residence) hotel on soi 5 in Jomtien? Have they stopped now?

    Down Pratumnak 6 and "Mood Blues Cafe" they now find it fun to blast out music at, and I not kid you, 9:30am, so loud that in the building opposite closed windows,a/c and the TV will not cover it..

    People are losing patince with "Mood" very quickly, lots of dissussions around the pool on what to do about it

    So to the owners of "Mood Blues Cafe" please stop the early morning concert/rehersal or what ever the hell you are doing playing music so loud in the morning, your p****** a lot of people off

    Nothing has changed as far as I can tell, other than they two idiots (aka. dumb and dumber) have added some Eagle's songs to their reportoir and are butchering those as well. Other people where I live are complaining about the noise pollution coming from the hotel. I think some of the surrounding bars have had enough and may turn their amps at the hotel (tit for tat). The "dumb and dumber" band has some type of karaoke machine; one person plays horrible guitar, devoid of emotion and any original style (unfortunately, he thinks he is actually good); both are horrible singers. The main issue is that the amps are pointed towards the pool, and the "sound danger zone" is incorporating hotels and condos in the local area. The hotel portrays itself as a multi-star hotel that is the place to go to relax. Maybe Thais (and drunk Norwegians.....no offense intended) think listening to such horrible music is relaxing. If Thais like the noise pollution and most farangs do not, it is almost a certainty that some farangs will eventually start complaining about it. I have never been to any upscale hotel in the world that does what this hotel is doing--deliberately blasting loud and annoying music at guests each evening for 2-4 hours, month after month. Sorry to hear about the Mood Blues Cafe issue. The noise pollution problem is spreading like a cancer all over Thailand. Could this be the next advertisement to compel people to visit Thailand: "Come Relax in the Hub of Noise Pollution: Thailand."

    Too true,angle grinders,rip saws,silencers with the baffles punched through, anything that generates noise,they love 'em, more noise the better,gives Thais a sense of power in their grubby little lives.

    Not worth complaining about,you know its there,nothings going to happen to change it unless getting the hell out of Thailand. Yes, that is being done.

  13. Noise is a big problem in thailand, but I think Thais just don't hear it as we do.

    Think they do,but too frightened to do anything about it. Yes noise noise noise louder the better,but that is Thailand ( reach for the vomit bag)

  14. You could take the early morning bus to Trat which is pretty safe as compared to the helldrivers in the vans. Check departure times near the intersection of Sukumvit and Pattaya Klang. It is 20 meters south of it, at the corner of a small soi. It is wooden shack and Trat plus times are written there. I liked this service. This should be the cheapest form of transport.

    At Trat bus station you connect to a Van to border. From the border take a motorbike taxi to Koh kong and on by Van to SHV.

    There are also direct van services to the border on offer but they might dump you on the regular van to the border at Trat.

    Let the train take the strain,to Trat,one a day from Patts

  15. Liked the one of the promotional videos few years ago of Suwan Suwarn.

    Guy with camera,positioned probably on a scooter taping the approach to this magnificent wonder , in what is now a gated community . Really nice approach until horror of horrors the biggest load of crap on earth unveiled itself. At this point the camera itself should have given up,exploded or something like,however on it continued to an opening door of an apartment to enter a stamp sized micro apartment,the camera hovering on the cheapest of cheap MFI inspired single drainer sink unit falling apart crap,and it hovered and hovered, the units door opening,closing, opening ,closing,looking at the hinges etc,just kept filming the sink unit as if that was all that was up for purchase ,probably was the most expensive piece in the purchase price of the apartment,.gees never have I witnessed such a shocking piece promotional material.

    At that moment I believe the camera did give up, as an individual and a camera together would not fit into the space of the apartment

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  16. I am from Birmingham and while the Fox News guy went overboard HE IS SPOT ON ABOUT NO GO ZONES in Birmingham of course Birmingham is not 100% Muslims but certain areas ARE 100% MUSLIM and I challenge any lefty liberal to walk down those areas drinking beer or dressed wrong and I guarantee you will be accosted.

    its not PC to say it but NO GO AREAS are in the UK and there have been multiple attacks there is even a sharia Patrol 3 muslims got jailed another Patrol beat up SEVERLY an American tourist who dared walk into the no go area

    Here is an American guy interviewing in Burnley and this is EXACTLY THE WAY IT IS you can see how scared the white women are teh one was off as soon as she seen the mob gathering

    Sharia Patrol in London

    American Tourist beaten severly by Muslim Sharia patrol

    I could post more and more

    Anyone that says there is not a issue and its growin has their head up their ass and dont want to see it

    You are correct,used to absolutely hate going into Birmingham. Just wonder what agenda the lefties,the loony lefties have in denying it exists,its a scary horrible ,and I mean horrible expirience being there,third world on your doorstep. Something wants doing there to eradicate this problem and restore it to something normal,not ghetto normal either

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