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Posts posted by loppylugs1

  1. Why threads like this appear is ridiculous. Everybody but everybody knows there is a problem,and it will get worse. Is the thinking and written quotes from some posters somehow diguising the fact,sweeping it under the carpet going to solve anything? just making it worse and until the politicians get focussed and deal with it the better.

    Only one reason the muslims are in the UK and France and rest of the EU is welfare,an easy way out. Cut welfare for child benefit would be a starter,they are famed for ultra large families

    You don't speak for 'everybody'.

    Neither do you.

    Did I claim to?

    For sure there are bodies that are in the ignorant,,blind or ignore it and it will go away league. Cannot be helped,just ignore it

  2. Why threads like this appear is ridiculous. Everybody but everybody knows there is a problem,and it will get worse. Is the thinking and written quotes from some posters somehow diguising the fact,sweeping it under the carpet going to solve anything? just making it worse and until the politicians get focussed and deal with it the better.

    Only one reason the muslims are in the UK and France and rest of the EU is welfare,an easy way out. Cut welfare for child benefit would be a starter,they are famed for ultra large families

    • Like 2
  3. A pic ?

    Will put one up later this morn konying,really is a very nice and good looking pup.

    Been at the vets since 7 this morn ,another young dog attacked leaving its eyeball hanging out of its socket,blinded and eye removed,hoping the vet can find home,said she may know someone.

  4. All of its brood died quite quickly during the cold nights recently,but this one hung on for days. I did not want to intervene as already have a couple of waifs,but this one just would not depart, a soi mutt about 6 weeks old

    leaving it longer would be cruelty itself, massively distended belly through starvation and rake thin,did not want it to suffer any more,started antibiotics etc. ,the pup started awakening,taking food a day or so later

    Nice little character, a little charmer Id say, really is,funny enough house trained ,plenty of tail wagging,would be a magnificent pet for someone. Still weak and rake thin,but on the mend...

    You know what Im asking,.......someone give it a home

  5. I currently have an annual extension based on marriage. When I get my UK state pension, then I will have 3 pensions; 2 company pensions and the UK state pension.

    At that time I am thinking of extending each year based on retirement, as it is claimed to be 'easier' to do rather than the extension based on marriage and I won't have to have 400k in the bank. However, it seems I have to go to Bangkok, to the British Embassy there, to get my pensions documents notarized.

    Could someone who has done this please confirm/tell me if:-

    1. I have to make an appointment at the British Embassy, travel to Bangkok in person and pay 50 pounds per pension document, so total is 150 pounds.

    2. Each notarized pension document is usable for just one year, so has to be re-notarized each year.

    3. Is it really any 'easier' than the extension based on marriage, after all for the marriage extension I just have to take some photos, visit the local amphur and jump through some hoops, but only in Pattaya, I don't need to travel to Bangkok. I do not have to deposit 400k in the bank though, so not having to do this may be the reason people really like it?

    Thanks for your help

    you get this answered from a more informed source I guess.

    get there before 11am show them all your income documents ,whatever they come to will be on one letter £50,collect after 2 pm

    Guess you could do it by letter if back of beyond living

  6. It is not that hard to set up a new router/modem, nearly all of them automate the set up, there was just the three things to do. Select 3bb as service provider. Enter username and password. Bingo everything worked fine. There is no need to manually adjust the settings.

    The router i bought was TP-Link TD-W8961ND

    Thanks again. ill strangle the guy from 3BB first (when he eventually arrives) and go get another one.

  7. Thanks for advice ,yes 3BB are having yet another go,but does look as tho DNS settings are a problem,talking to them I figure they are well aware of router problems,Seems a bit daunting wading through the router settings,about 20 odd at rough guess, and will the required information be adequate OK if doing it every day,but as one off,a cock up maybe the outcome

    Cannot see any difference between 10/.5 and 15/1 and and another poster stated the premium package was a waste of time

  8. I had my first colonoscopy in Thailand under full sedation and didn't feel a thing. For my second colonoscopy I happened to be in India. I assumed that I would be sedated but somehow (miscommunication/misunderstanding?), I wasn't. The discomfort was such that I had to abandon the colonoscopy at about the halfway point. Never again would I consider having a colonoscopy without being fully sedated.

    Same here India,first time with,second without. No pain as the doc said,no nerve endings where the camera goes,but felt is if I wanted to go as it got further inside,just wind being trapped I guess.Wanted the polyp screening down the throat too,that cert had to be with.

    thing is "without" you can watch watch the camera as it wends its way inside. The removal of polyp is fascinating to watch ,no pain

  9. Its not even surfing outside of Thailand,internally still the same. Had 3BB do a line check etc. now thinking the router.Read if two years or more new one needed, but does anyone know if I bought an all-in -one (modem and router combined) would it function?

  10. The circumstances he was found in would have led to a full scale murder inquiry in his home country,but this ain't his home country. He ends up in a pool with a head injury,Until evidence is produced that led him to come by this injury ie stroke,heart attack etc,then rolled into the pool and presumably drowned(was it drowning?)Whatever evidence a medical examiner could produce would have scaled back the inquiry

    Two alibis,one good,one not quite so. Thais at around that time he returned are usually finishing work,not returning with fresh supplies,he would have returned the following morning with them. The painter obviously needs a good grilling

    There are commentators on this thread that know more,and could provide a motive but painting a rosy picture does not hold true in some instances

    He lived a good life and RIP to him

    You're just another conspiracy theorist. Does EVERY contractor work the same hours and work the same way? No. One minute you're saying police in his nation of birth would carry out a full investigation, the next you're doing your up most to insinuate the painter must be dodge because he returned with paint at a certain time- basing it on opinion rather than fact.

    Even his own brother's post doesn't detract the conspiracy theorists from making up their own little stories to brighten their otherwise sad lives.

    Elementary Watson,everyone is wrong,but you are right. No guessing on this one,another mature student manuring. Now how old was the painter? the wife,? the victim? generally id say the painter must be (generally speaking) a tad unusual too,like to see just what is under the finger nails of the victim too.

    Not playing word games with an ex mature student manuring thanks,must be hard being patted off to school at 23 years old ,short pants on ,school cap and leather satchel too.Hard being one of them,pushing a blackboard around in your late 20s

    By the way,you would win any welly wallet throwing competition at school sports day(nothing in it) LOL

  11. The circumstances he was found in would have led to a full scale murder inquiry in his home country,but this ain't his home country. He ends up in a pool with a head injury,Until evidence is produced that led him to come by this injury ie stroke,heart attack etc,then rolled into the pool and presumably drowned(was it drowning?)Whatever evidence a medical examiner could produce would have scaled back the inquiry

    Two alibis,one good,one not quite so. Thais at around that time he returned are usually finishing work,not returning with fresh supplies,he would have returned the following morning with them. The painter obviously needs a good grilling

    There are commentators on this thread that know more,and could provide a motive but painting a rosy picture does not hold true in some instances

    He lived a good life and RIP to him

  12. it just gets slower and slower, dropping lines constantly, just seems a waste of time getting an upgrade to faster landline speed as it entails paying a lot more for a little more. 4g may not be far off so junking the computer and a giant phone maybe the answer.

    For what is supposed to be an advanced nation it belongs in bongo-bongo land (internet wise)

    • Like 1
  13. The best evidence that the property market is down in Thailand, is that I can take you, within a radius of about 20 km around pattaya, to 1000 recenly build and empty shophouses. Add to that at least double that amount of townhouses and detached bungalows.

    When you drive about 15 km on the road #36 towards Rayong, at the traffic lights where you can go right to Ban Chang, there are 110 Shophouses in a row completed about 3 months ago, and as of last week there were exactly 6 ( six) occupied.

    That is a prime location for shophouses

    There massive amounts of shop that have been built over the past few years on soi siam cc. I thought they would never sell but i was wrong.

    in 1998 part of Jomtien was a graveyard. real estate eggsburts forecasted "empty for decades to come!" five years later all buildings were occupied and scores of additional ones were built.

    There was a lot of slack in the system internationally and as it proved in Thailand, the slack in Thailand though was in credit,the most heavily indebted nation in SE Asia. this time around there is no slack in the system,no lifebelt,no nothing.

    Only bums have money,you know the sort,the ones with money in the bank, or better still shares in the bank ,never took anything out to purchase a pot to piss in Thailand

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