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Ice Maiden

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Posts posted by Ice Maiden

  1. My dreams are usually nightmares but very very vivid ones.

    They all have links somewhere to form my own little dream world. I carn't seem to have the power to control my nightmares though :D

    But your experience reminds me of when I was sleepwalking once (oh I'm a walker!) and I fell over. My Dad came to my aid and I started screaming and trying to attack him thinking I was still in dreamland! It took me a few mins to calm down and when I was completley calm I couldn't remember what I'd done :o

    Thats only ever happened twice though. But during my sleep I sometimes wake in the night with cold sweats and for a few seconds I feel like I'm still in a dream.

    I get dejavu quite often but other than that, thats as far as my dreams go.

  2. Spit....

    Icey, you are doing a  lot of spitting ....let´s see if you are the one to respond to the next food...

    Kayo´s 16 inches.

    Only just noticed this post Kayo!

    Would I spit or would I swallow... It would depend on what mood I'd be in :D

    I don't think it really matters to Kayo if you do or don't as he's already demonstrated his ability to concoct wild fantasies. :o:D


    Hey, he's had a hard week... do your bit for the crisis in Guatemala...

    Just don't bite off more than you can chew.


    I'm sure he's had a hard week but as Cdnivc pointed out he has already demonstrated his ability :D

  3. She HATES coffee.

    Next time offer her Sambuca.

    At the gym you wear tight shorts. She can see the outline of your assets. Not appealing enough unfortunately. Pack you shorts with tissues.

    She told you that it was a two hour trip home for her. She didn't want to go home that night. She wanted you to take her to that high rise hotel near the bus stop. Not for sex though, just for a bottle or two of Sambuca and a good nights sleep.

    She was right when she told you that she doesn't have a boyfriend. She only likes girls.

    That's why she is trying to butch herself up on steroids.

    She gave you very good advice, get your next girl from the go-go bar.


    Sambuca brings back some bad memories :D

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