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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. Accidental falls at train platforms are common. BTS has been installing platform barriers to prevent accidental falls. Hopefully, this will become an international safety standard. Singapore MRT was correctly found not to be negligent as a matter of law. installation of the barriers is considered a discretionary function. In common law, budgetary decisions of the government can't be questioned by a court deciding if the failure to fund constituted negligence.

  2. Yep, Condi was a tool, Bush's lapdog. Did the election/selection of Angela Merkel or Christine Lagarde send "a powerful message to Islamic extremists that mistreating women is wrong?" In the eyes of the Muslim extremists, the election of women into high office is just another symptom of a weak and crumbling political system.

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  3. Instead of giving the sim cards, why doesn't Kasikorn allow them to open savings accounts without work permits?

    Probably because the cost of servicing the account of a genuine tourist would exceed the profit they would earn lending the funds out for a few months' interest.

    Ahh, but you see, you are thinking like a Thai. There is money to be made by the funds left in accounts when the people leave. This is also true with people here on work visas. Kasikorn puts the account in suspense. 6 months later, if the account holder does not go to the branch in person, Kasikorn closes the account and takes the money. Happened with dozen of worker accounts where I work.

    A missed opportunity for the bank, because the bank bureaucracy is incapable of thinking outside the box.

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  4. If Yingluck thinks the book is defamatory, she can file a lawsuit for that. There is no court case pending for the rice pledging scheme. Today, the attorney general will announce the decision whether to prosecute. Until a prosecutory complaint is presented to the court, anyone is free to comment or write about Yingluck's role in the rice pledging scheme. There would only be legal liability outside of defamation, if there was a pending court case, and the writing was intended to prejudice Yingluck's right to a fair trial.

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  5. Anybody see what's wrong with this article's byline: "The father of a 17-year-old boy who was murdered during the 2010 military crackdown on anti-government protesters has been charged with littering after he distrusted leaflets demanding justice for his son on Sunday."?

    Calling it a murder means that there was proof that someone had premeditated intent to kill the teen, and that there is no claim of privilege. I don't think Khaosod has a clue about the actual elements to prove a case for murder. Redshirt journalism at its best. Not material to its story, they could have just used the term "killed" as they do later in the story.

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  6. Only themselves to blame. They could have voted in a government that would improve drainage instead of building shopping malls.

    I will repeat myself only once a year, but here goes, as a resident of Chiang Mai for 37 years the only government ever to spend any money for Chiang Mai infrastructure was Taksin, so what you want no one no body no government ever spend money in the North or the North east, period

    This is such a large part of the political problem here. Nobody prior to Thaksin ever did ANYTHING to benefit the masses. They just devised policy to ensure their super rich friends only got richer. Thaksin was the first PM to establish populist policies, and to pay attention to the poorer elements of society. It was a brilliant idea. I doubt it came from his rather small heart, but it was a stroke of genius. I did not like the guy, but he was clever. Will Thailand ever see another politician that either gives a damn, or at least creates policy to benefit the masses? One can only hope. I doubt there will be peace and harmony until that happens.

    I don't think that Thaksin's flat-screen TV sets and air conditioning units are going to help relieve the flooding. Nor would his medical care payment system which is on the verge of a collapse.

    Posters here make it sound like there are only two political parties in Thai politics. There are enough people in the north and Isaan to form a political party that would really take on the difficult issues facing these regions. Instead, they vote for the politicians who send the most trinkets their way.

    Yingluck had 3 years to implement flood control measures for her constituency. The only project I'm aware she completed in the north was to push through the development of shopping centers. It's been the history of Thai politics that the elected officials only initiate public-improvement projects from which they and their major backers will financially profit. In this regard,Thaksin and Yingluck were no better than anyone else serving as PM.

  7. And the BOI does try to facilitate the flow of foreign expert workers into Thailand. Unfortunately, there is something called immigration which doesn't understand this and is unwilling to differentiate between illegal long-stayers and legal workers.

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