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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. why does Thailand not grow their own apples - in fact there are probably many fruits and veg that Thailand could be growing rather than importing as they have the climate

    Thai apples are terrible. A lot of Thai attempts at growing non-native fruits and vegetables are inferior, like strawberries, other berries, celery and plums.

    The tainted fruit came from one factory in SoCal that distributes candy apples. They just need to pull those products off the shelf, not cause a panic.

  2. Thailand should steer clear of such a law. They are in no way ready to use it responsibly.

    It requires a large body of legal precedent as to what is protected free speech and what crosses the line as not protected or even criminal. Thailand doesn't even have a legal reporter system which would allow the courts and lawyers to properly research prior upper court decisions let alone a body of prior cases resolving these issues.

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  3. 100 people murdered and this is shrugged off as problems with vendors and rallies? Maybe happiness will occur when all parties, including the military, take ownership of past transgressions.

    Gen. Prayuth said. "As for this area, in the past there were problems with vendors and political rallies"

    And while they're at it, the red-shirts can take responsibility for shutting down businesses, burning a mall, and placing hundreds of thousands of workers in harm's way during their lawless occupation of downtown Bangkok.

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  4. "With this added paragraph, the Constitutional Court would have the power to decide what cases should be regarded as "the constitutional practice in the democratic regime of government with the King as head of the state." Simply put, the court will be empowered to interpret the clause in question any way they like. . . . This solution to the problem has put into the constitution a means that has never existed in a democracy."

    Utter nonsense. In the US, the Supreme Court has the sole authority to make final decisions about the the constitutionality of any legislation, act of the President, or act of any official or agency of the U.S. government. Even if there is a lack of legislation, the Supreme Court must rule on the matter, based on the constitutional framework and the policy of existing law that surround the gap. The Nation needs to send its journalists back to university for a basic course in political science.

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