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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. is there any wonder this countrys is in the state it is ..a big clue to this idiotic court is the word H U M A N...it should have been ANIMAL

    In its ruling, the judges wrote: "So far as legal theory is concerned, a person is any being whom the law regards as capable of rights and duties

    a PERSON is a legal fiction ( a corporation of 1) a person is not a HUMAN but a legal definition to collect taxation and basically be sold as a commodity (i.e when you work for payment)

    people have NO idea whats going on

    You're on the right track, but you're reasoning is flawed. A person cannot be sold in the US, because that is slavery. A person has the right to sell his services (unless the services are illegal, ie, prostitution and murder for hire).

    The court should have reasoned that an animal is property, but humans can never be property. Property has no rights, only its lawful owner has rights over the property.

  2. Excellent move by the junta. Stop paedophiles and other assorted deviates and misfits from coming to Thailand for designer babies.

    Proper regulation rather than an outright ban would have been the more progressive way of approaching this issue. Many women are unable to carry a fetus to term due to various medical conditions, and a surrogate mother is the only option available if they want their own children. Surrogacy is almost always a commercial transaction as someone is paid to carry a baby to term, and the natural parents become responsible for all medical expenses.

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  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

    We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

    And you did nothing? Didn't report him? ........ nice one....... coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

    As far as I know, that isn't criminal conduct. Just suspicious. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be reported for images of girls and porn videos on your harddrive.

    You can't have it both ways. If you are saying it was not criminal conduct you observed then you have no right to throw fuel on the fire by telling us of a perfectly legal activity that an adult is allowed to engage in. If however as you originally say he was stalking young girls then by doing nothing you were in fact complicit in any harm he did do. We all have choices, but standing bye whilst somebody is seen as a threat to young children is not one of them. If they were not a threat but just displaying legal sexual tendencies then that is their business. By the way, how did you 'catch' him with pictures of girls on his computer?

    You know nothing about employment law and legal liability for making a criminal report as an employer. Fortunately, I'm not as naive as you. Robert was seen looking at profiles and pictures of girls (not nude) on his computer while he was surfing on Hi5. One of the teachers was able to take a screenshot when his computer was unattended. Shortly after he was confronted, he resigned. End of story. If you think that's enough to go to the police, I hope you have a good lawyer or no assets.

  4. Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

    We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

    And you did nothing? Didn't report him? ........ nice one....... coffee1.gif

    As far as I know, that isn't criminal conduct. Just suspicious. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be reported for images of girls and porn videos on your harddrive.

  5. And nothing to do with the rising cost of labor in Thailand, the unreasonable amounts of red tape and corruption to deal with on the government level, the artificially inflated baht currency, the increasing uncertainty caused by abrupt about-faces in government policies and unauthorized anti-business utterances of public officials.

    Put the blame on the rising stock of neighboring countries and not your own government's abysmal failures.

    • Like 2
  6. We are looking for an ex-pat safety manager, NES, to manage the safety staff of our factory consisting of 4 Thai safety officers. Thai speaking skills are not required. We need someone who has had at least 5 years experience working in factory safety (not environmental health) and who is enthusiastic about bringing a factory in Thailand up to international safety standards, ISO 9000, 13000 and a little of 14000.

    Qualified candidates will have verifiable experience as a safety officer, either in their home country, or in Thailand and a track record of factory safety improvement, through safety committee work, safety training, accident investigation follow-up and safety project improvements.

    Knowledge of Thailand industrial codes and regulations is not necessary. However, we do expect the hired manager to become well-versed in Thai industrial safety requirements.

    The company offers visa and work permit, a generous compensation package, and relocation assistance if currently living abroad. This is an excellent career opportunity for someone with the requisite qualifications and has been unable to continue their career in Thailand, or who wants to move to Thailand with a job in hand.

    Interested candidates are requested to send their CV and salary expectation to [email protected].

  7. Perhaps they are going to expand the kinds of companies that can have 2-year work permits issued. Currently, IT companies can only get 1 year work permits for their foreign workers.

    Got my second 2-years extention in April of this year. I am a sort of IT company. As in many cases, it's "on the discretion of the officer in charge". Connecting the WP with a permission to stay would be great (in the good direction, not in the bad one it was the case about 5 to 6 years ago.

    The specific industry that is restricted to 1 year is Enterprise Software.

  8. I'll save them a lot of money. Uncontrolled railroad crossings. In 10 seconds, the answer can be found on Wikipedia.

    "Level crossings constitute a significant safety concern internationally. On average, each year 400 people are killed in the EU and over 300 in the US . In level crossing accidents. Collisions can occur with vehicles as well as pedestrians; pedestrian collisions are more likely to result in a fatality. Among pedestrians, young people (5–19 years), older people (60 years and over) and males are considered to be high risk users.

    In terms of warning systems, level crossings are either passive crossings which have warnings such as signs, or active crossings which have automatic warning devices such as boom gates, flashing lights and warning tones. Fewer collisions take place at level crossings with active warning systems. Today, radar sensor systems for automatic level crossing free detection are a cheap way to improve safety of level crossings."

    BTW, has anyone ever seen an active crossing in Thailand. Not me. Just crossing guards manually pulling and pushing crossing gates. facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif

  9. The custody and visitation decision is a step in the right direction for the Thai courts, but still not in step with prevailing family Court decisions in the West. A western court would have denied the mother visitation rights, or only allowed supervised visitation. By abducting the children, the mother demonstrated that unsupervised visitation would not be in the best interest of the children.

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  10. This could be perfectly legal or criminal. There's a large legal market for body parts for medical research in the US. I'm surprised you Euros don't know anything about it, but that's why your countries lag in medicinal innovation. http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/the-billion-dollar-body-parts-industry-medical-research-alongside-greed-and-corruption-2/

    Exactly like I said. If he didn't violate laws with regard to sourcing the body parts in Thailand, now he has to deal with declaring them for import with ICE. Perfectly normal business transaction. The TV armchair jockeys are put to shame once again.

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