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zaphod reborn

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Posts posted by zaphod reborn

  1. Nonsense. The US government has always operated better when the executive and legislative branches are divided on party lines. Either the President and Congress work together, like they did under Clinton, or there's a total impasse. So either they pass good bipartisan legislation, or nothing gets done. And anything that halts the growth of the US government is a good thing.

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  2. "I want to complain."

    "You want to complain! Look at these shoes. I've only had them three weeks and the heels are worn right through."

    "No, I want to complain about..."

    "If you complain nothing happens, you might as well not bother."


    "Oh my back hurts, it's not a very fine day and I'm sick and tired of this office."

    • Like 2
  3. Disney, Warner Bros, Hello Kitty, Angry birds etc etc. If lawyers from these companies came to the school I used to work out (hell, and loads of other schools in Thailand) they'd have a heart attack. Many characters were plastered all over the windows, walls, ceilings

    I don't think their lawyers would have much interest in a non-commercial use of their trademarked characters. In the case of a Hello Kitty Hotel, the hotel operator is using the goodwill and branding developed by Sanrio and profiting from its unauthorized use. If the hotel gains a bad reputation, it would damage Sanrio's branding. This failed PTP politician is in for a world of hurt.

  4. Hello everyone. Not sure where to post this. I'm just starting out and want to learn as much as I can. My girlfriend has a farm near Udon Thani, in Phen. It's very small. She has about 12 smaller pigs, 3 large pigs, some chickens and some crops (tomatoes, chilies, papaya, long bean and limes). Our goal is to make it a retirement home in 10 years or so. I'd like to build up the farm, and construct a house. Her family is there to work the land while we work in BKK. Right now, I'd like to read up and learn what I can do to improve the farm, rather than just throw money blindly at it. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.

  5. I work with Prof. Supachai and just went through collective bargaining negotiations with my company's labor union. We decided not to change the bonus structure this year, and so it remains 1.8 months of salary. There is a tremendous cultural requirement in Thailand for a year-end bonus. Workers compare their bonuses and a larger bonus earns them greater status. The survey of companies cited in this article is not representative of the country's bonus structure. A more in-depth study would show the substantial differences of average bonus by industry. The automotive and financial industries tend to pay the largest bonuses, and the garment and electronics industries tend to pay smaller bonuses. There is a general shift away from guaranteed bonuses, and performance-based bonus systems are becoming more common. For my company, the union strongly resists anything performance-based. Dam#@ socialist unions!

  6. I don't think the tour bus/shuttle van carnage in Phuket will ever end. The only hope would be improvement of the roadways, and that almost never happens in Thailand. Do any highway maintenance teams compile accident reports to determine where guardrails should be installed? A relatively cheap fix, as long as the guardrails and placement are to AASHTO codes.

  7. Didn't Google laugh in thier faces when they demanded Google shut down about 300 sites where people around the world where discussing Thailand and the dear leader?


    Yes they did. MICT requested a global takedown, and Google denied the takedown request because it was an overreach. MICT is able to effectuate the takedown within Thailand, the only place where the content is potentially criminal.

  8. Which western countries?

    I doubt this is factual

    It's called making it up and thinking that everyone is dumb enough to buy it. Used to work in the pre-internet era these guys still live in.

    I was wondering ?

    Australia actually bans the entire Junta running Thailand from setting foot on its soil and routinely is highly critical of both it and the LM laws.

    Last time I looked, Australia was east of Thailand. And isn't Australia the country that welcomes Iranian fugitives to enter the country and settle there? I can't see Australia effectively banning anyone from setting foot on its soil.

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  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    No surprise here. The Bush-Cheney administration was lawless. Why hide your torture techniques and try to cover up any investigation into them? Al Qaeda publicizes its beheadings on youtube. No reason for secrecy, unless what was being done violated US laws. International law is irrelevant in the US as the US wisely does not allow the Euros to have jurisdistic supremacy through its weak-kneed international agencies like the UN and ICC.

    You are proving just how clueless you are my friend, none of this was done in the U.S. smile.png

    Wrong there. Most of it was done within US jurisdiction. Those bases are under US jurisdiction per recent US Supreme Court rulings. Bushie's crack legal team thought they weren't, and they lost every jurisdictional battle they fought in the US Supreme Court.

  10. No surprise here. The Bush-Cheney administration was lawless. Why hide your torture techniques and try to cover up any investigation into them? Al Qaeda publicizes its beheadings on youtube. No reason for secrecy, unless what was being done violated US laws. International law is irrelevant in the US as the US wisely does not allow the Euros to have jurisdistic supremacy through its weak-kneed international agencies like the UN and ICC.

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