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Posts posted by johng

  1. 14 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    There is an Epoxy Resin Glue available from most Hardware Stores that is specific to Water Leaks

    Just go in and ask - not expensive and can be used if the leak is a little wet.

    I just used the "all purpose" stuff I had already..  it's  labeled for fixing rebar to concrete but works for most everything.  well didn't last too long on a motorcycle  exhaust pipe ???? 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    If using metal valves, how do you fit them to the plastic PVC pipes?

    They are threaded  either male or female   so you would have to get the corresponding threaded bit of PVC

    and use some Teflon plumping tape wrapped around the treads to seal them..test fit  the treads before glueing everything else as sometimes they are a good fit and need  not so much tape  but more often are very sloppy fit so need lots of tape to seal.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    I should probably change the smaller inlet valve too as it gets sun too and may be getting brittle.

    Be very careful  while trying to get everything apart and then back together the PVC could easily shatter from too much bending..if not too late already its a good idea to protect the PVC from the intense UV with a coat of  glossy paint  and maybe use metal valves.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, heiri007 said:

    Thanks much. But I could sell the car to someone in another province?

    You can sell the car to whoever wants to buy it.


    4 minutes ago, heiri007 said:

    Let's say, my car is registered in Bangkok and I want to transfer the number plate to a new car registered in Bangkok.

    Yes you can do that  you can swap the number plates...but it has to be done officially at the Department of Land Transportation and registered in the cars blue book.


    4 minutes ago, heiri007 said:

    The buyer of the old car, however, has a registered home address in another province. The buyer is a tourist with a certificate of residency of his own condo.

    The buyer of the old car gets a new number plate in their province,so as far as I understand the process

    If you want to keep the old number plate and use it on your new car  you have to transfer from the old car to the new car before selling it to someone else.

  5. 3 hours ago, digger70 said:

    Why so Negative ,Just Normal tap water You know the test ,just do it.

    I used 220 V  100w W Bulb Bg Mug and some salt to make it work 100% nearly touching probes.

    I don't need to do the test ( I watched it on Youtube)

    +  I already accidentally  fried the mainboard of my aircon  with over zealous

    power washer ( using tap water ) the water got into the board and even after a few hours with the power off it wasn't dry, as soon as I turned power back on the "magic smoke" was released.


    Before that  the power washer (with tap water) also killed the compressor fan..I'm a firm believer that tap water conducts electricity.


    How about you try  an experiment   take a big bucket of tap water and  throw your toaster in there whilst its toasting....????   if you could share the results that would be great????

    Please exercise extreme caution whilst throwing  toaster so as not to let your body ever touch the water and/or toaster at the same time. 


    P.S the above is a joke  do not try the toaster experiment at home !!!!



  6. Its supposedly possible to heat the joints and "unglue" them  but I had no success with that method  using a LPG blow torch   a hot air paint stripper or  soldering station with variable temperature might do better ?

    The heat also damaged another part stuck in the wall so I couldn't actually glue the new bit in without leaks

    however the every usefull 2 part epoxy resin soon did the trick  it even sets  with water in the pipes...not under pressure just  no need to totally dry the joints like you do with PVC glue.

    • Like 1
  7. As far as I know you can't just keep the number plate,   you can transfer the plate to another car  within the same province  so Bangkok to Bangkok or Chaingmai to Chaingmai  but not Bangkok to Chaingmai

    You also cannot transfer from Motorcycle to car and visa versa..as per (old) normal  things may be different if you know "someone"  who arranges things for a monetary fee :shock1:

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, digger70 said:

    Why would anything go wrong ?Clean water Isn't a Conductor.  

    Only 100% pure water is  a  non conductor of electricity



    Since the water that we use in our daily lives is bound to have impurities, it’s best to keep all electrical devices away so that they never come in contact with water.


    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, hornetsmad said:

    miss the things from Christmas in the UK such as Bailey's,

    You can try  this recipe its quite good   think it is @BritManToo recipe not mine.


    80ml rum +    (Hong Thong works fine at 250bht/700ml bottle.)
    1 tsp red cap coffee +
    2 tsp Milo   +   ( malt and chocolate)
    2 tbl Carnation sweetened condensed milk
    + ice, all in the blender = Baileys Original (near enough)

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