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Everything posted by johng

  1. Just take pictures of where ever you are living at the time of application they don't care if its a hovel or a mansion..when they come to take pictures you can explain/ point out that the house (mansion) is under construction they may or may not take pictures of it..."up to them" I wouldn't worry too much about it IMHO of course.
  2. 5 Kgs in a month from 2 beers a day seems a bit of a stretch to me maybe try drinking the beer in the morning before or during your 2 hour walk ?
  3. Glad you found something suitable It's sometimes nice to see the product "in the flesh" as it were at a physical shop I would always do that for clothes and shoes. The bike covers I bought online from Lazada fitted perfectly were quite inexpensive ( should have known ! ) and were very good while they lasted...which unfortunately wasn't as long as I had hoped..they succumbed after about a year to the intense UV ( I guess) and started disintegrating. On the other hand I have been using an old car seat cover fake leather (only covers half a bike) for years and it has lasted amazingly well. One thing to watch out for if covered for a long time insects and rodents making nests also things tend to go a bit mouldy.
  4. What would be even more "funny" is having all those nukes and not threatening to use them. The threat is the deterrent Mutually Assured Destruction MAD is the very appropriate acronym.
  5. Best look on Lazada or Shopee instead of traipsing all over the place.
  6. The only thing I know about the country is what the "legacy media" say about it....I have never been there or know any North Korean's
  7. I don't get that can you explain please how the Matrix film "weaponised Care-in-the-community"
  8. The Truckers love Trudeau 🤬
  9. Is he backing down ?? apparently he had a fairly friendly chat with Trudeau who probably gave him a big sob story with real tears for more time until the election perhaps ?
  10. Well aint payback a bitch..he endured lies , smear tactics,lawfare , assassination attempts and everything the opposition could throw at him but made a "miraculous" come back ! The American people voted for him, he has the mandate to do what he said he would do and so far he seems to (mostly) be doing exactly that. He is certainly shaking up the "International Rules Based Order" and knows what a woman is ( I think 😋)
  11. Well I wouldn't ship coal to Newcastle... errm... maybe better I wouldn't ship sand to the Sahara desert either. Thailand does still practise unfair taxing on many goods, as mentioned already Motor vehicles not from China and Alcoholic beverages from everywhere even though some sort of deal on that has been announced a couple of times but nothing ever changes the imported alcohol remains expensive I'm sure there are many other goods unfairly taxed to try and "protect" Thailand from competition.
  12. I have pointed out this "former president Trump" "AI glitch" on numerous threads still happening, when will they update the data set ?
  13. How do you know what they see and the information given is untrue ? Are you a North Korean defector ?
  14. Who cares what these so called "fact checkers" say they have proven themself to be totally biased soon after they magically appeared during the Covid debacle and need to stop...they are not the arbiters of truth far from it 🤮
  15. Well it wasn't much of a "ripping apart" was it ? 🤣 Trump answered the question saying there was nothing to the story and that it was an inappropriate time for the question anyway as the topic at hand was the world cup.
  16. Because they won the war and the spoils of war go to the victor.
  17. When the mostly cheapo Chinese chargers go wrong yes, high voltage does out instead of 5v DC I believe this is due to the mini transformer windings being shoddy the insulation breaks down and allows the high voltage straight through !
  18. Save lives by ending the war not by petitioning the SCOTUS to continue it !
  19. Maybe there is a purple haired shemale saboteur at the launchpad ?
  20. Rumble,Bitchute and Odysee are much needed alternatives to the sadly compromised Youtube now tied into Google and the "security apparatus". long live the alternative free speech platforms
  21. They now have no choice but to except whatever Russia offers.
  22. How would I know ? how would Zelensky know? neither of us have talked to the Russians.
  23. Attack what ? in your above scenario he has achieved his aims.
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