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Everything posted by johng

  1. He said TSMC has announced a plan to build a huge chip plant in the US. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/what-tsmc-s-100-bn-investment-in-the-us-means-for-taiwan/ar-AA1AgFT4
  2. Yep and not even a whimper about the blowing up of the pipeline !
  3. Trump made a good speech 👍 The only thing the democrats applauded was sending more money to continue the war in Ukraine, sick 🤮
  4. I pointed out the same and was accused of being a Putin puppet sympathiser etc etc and the reason for fighting Putin was to "save democracy"
  5. Yes they shill for big pharma but are now afraid that their game is up so jumped ship..don’t worry I'm sure many of them will just go work for those very same pharma companies that they have been endorsing for years already.
  6. He deluded himself into thinking he was a she !!!!
  7. I suspect they know the "game us up" so jumped before they where pushed.
  8. Hold on they told us it was Osama Bin Laden that did it
  9. I have suggested in the past that they clad the entire back side in lcd panels and project from a high definition camera aview of the sea front back to the hill so as to render the monstrosity "invisible"
  10. They noticed when it started blocking the view from the government/military installation and temple on the hill behind it.
  11. I suppose its also difficult when you are blamed (unjustly) for the death of children ? If and when, as he said he wanted to do, "proper" safety studies reveal their conclusions I wonder if those "experts" will change their tune or just keep singing from the same hymn sheet ?
  12. It's what you can take instead of a shower.
  13. There is a suggestion that thermite was placed in strategic places under cover of a major lift maintenance...it certainly was strange how the 2 towers came straight down landing fully in their own footprint....and then there is also building 7 ! the whole "accepted narrative" is highly suspicious IMHO. As for Waterfront I believe it is not a steel framed building so thermite would not work,they would have to blow up the supporting columns at ground level in a controlled pattern to bring it down straight into its own footprint without toppling over good news is even if the make a balls up there is not much surrounding it to fall on to 😱
  14. They are trying to shut down all farming but especially the cattle and dairy as those are supposedly one of the largest producers of "green house" gas so eventually if Starmer and his ILK at the WEF have their way beef will be too expensive for a normal person to afford,energy,transportation,housing etc etc will be too expensive..but don't worry you wont need any of that because you'll be living in a 15 minute city where all your needs are met within walking distance totally surveilled to ensure compliance and monitor your social credit score (carbon tax) or you will be docked from the universal credit (Central Bank Digital Currency) magnanimously supplied by the overlords sound dystopian ??? you bet it is. Net zero is a scam to usher in that dystopian future and so should be called out and resisted....because eventually they will have to let slip the real agenda as to why they want to remove carbon but by then it will be possibly already is too late. And you believe him ? well I don't not for a nano second they/he/them will use taxes,price hikes,bird flu military nudge units and fluffy propaganda pieces in legacy media to achieve their goals...sadly some will fall hook line and sinker enthusiastically marching towards their own doom.
  15. Trump is the present USA president not the "former president"
  16. What is it with every article on here calling Trump "former president" He is now the president can someone please update the AI reporter with the latest data set 😋
  17. He won't mandate it, he will just make eating meat so expensive that no one (except him and his wealthy cronies) can even afford it. Plebs will have to eat "alternative proteins" AKA zee bugs !!!!!
  18. Hence the talk of bringing back conscription..they know there is nowhere enough people willing to die for Ukraine so just make it "compulsory "
  19. I forgot to mention there was a period where the forum or my web browser was logging me out silently and so obviously could could not comment then.
  20. Thanks, but where is this wonderful place located and some idea of prices would be helpfull.
  21. Now that they found it...it's no longer hidden.
  22. What's going to happen to the 9 euro's stlil left in my Skype account ? I hope there is some sort of compensation/refund...perhaps I can trade it for a valid genuine Windows 7 key
  23. He is VP Trump has already endorsed him DUH !!!!!
  24. Really ? ,what causes obesity if not stuffing too much food into the mouth ?
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