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Everything posted by johng

  1. The EU want his country to carry on the proxy war in Ukraine as well as being the main NATO supplier and also as a "backstop" in a so called peace keeping force in Ukraine, so I think his voice is valid if they want his help, not withstanding the fact that every thing he said about freedom of speech was totally spot on.
  2. Obesity is caused by stuffing too much "stuff" into the mouth combined with too little exercise.
  3. His speech was brilliant and spot on..bravo !
  4. UK has its own natural gas reserves in the North Sea. It should be cheap as chips for UK consumers, the fact that it isn't is a huge scandal totally due to government/political mismanagement and/or a willful policy of energy deprivation in the deluded thought that it will "save the planet" !
  5. Well at least its equal but what about a foreign female married to a Thai male ? do they now need 400,000 too ????
  6. When these fat shots become mandatory to maintain ones livelihood and daily life then maybe there will be a backlash...at the moment they are "voluntary" and as such anyone considering them should (gasp) "do their own research" (AKA become a raving conspiracy theorist) before taking the shots with "informed consent"
  7. Park your bike in the Central basement car park...just watch out for some of the low hanging pipes and other fixtures in certain places down there.
  8. Get one that costs more than 50 baht 😋 in other words you should get one with thick wire from a reputable long standing store something like this https://www.hardwarehouse.co.th/product/1132796-EA
  9. Sometimes there is problems with the emoji reactions most times trying again later will work but other times you can't give emoji reactions because the post has actually been removed or hidden..if you refresh the page you'll see the post gone. Perhaps the same sort of thing is happening to you when trying to post are you including quotes from the original poster ? Of course if the thread is locked then no one can reply anymore.
  10. Indeed less choice is much better, after all "the experts" know best you stupid pleb !!! roll up your sleeve and don't even think about it.
  11. Yes that's how they are taking their 25th booster shot to save granny !!!!
  12. Only repaying the deranged liberals that targeted him since his first election win with ludicrous lawsuits media smears etc etc payback is a bitch ey ??
  13. Why are there not separate "vaccines" for measles, mumps and rubella ? so that persons can choose which they want or don't want ?
  14. It's great to see at least some acknowledgement of the futility and insanity of energy poverty AKA net zero, carbon neutral,green deal... that "eat zee bugs" maniacs are trying to foist on the world.
  15. Televisions and smaller CC motorcycles.
  16. They seemed to have had no problem seizing Russian assets when it suited the narrative ? Anyway there is no immediate need to nationalise or seize assets just tell the companies that energy toward Britain comes first/must be cheap or there will be consequences... like tariffs !!! or non renewal of concessions/contracts. If the companies are non compliant then buy Russian oil and gas as a stop gap .....yes yes Putin Hitler yawn !!! And if they withdraw then re-nationalise ,abundant cheap energy is a vital national interest should never have been sold off to foreign interests in the first place.
  17. Well that's how it should work and if its not working like that it needs to change "ASAP" in the meantime they could buy some cheap Russian oil and gas ! And open the coal mines again lots of untapped energy still down there with the bonus of creating employment with real jobs not just pushing bits of paper from desk to desk. 🙄
  18. New vehicle's don't need a yearly inspection...The reason they spew black smoke is that the owner has had them modified to produce more horse power ,noise,smoke and "street-cred"
  19. It could be your setup or the IPTV providers setup or any other link in the chain between the 2 of you, if you are half a world apart then there will be many intermediary servers between you and the IPTV provider any one of which can cause the buffering......want guaranteed no buffer ? then download to local USB drive or NAS server in your control first and watch it from there.
  20. The criminals are those "3 letter agencies" that demand unfettered access to everyone else’s data but woe betide anyone revealing their nefarious activities (Snowden, Assange)
  21. They got fingerprints and face scan but not "true biometric data" what else are they thinking of capturing retina and DNA ? !!
  22. Of course ! any counter "narrative" views could only be Russian bots, Putin propagandists,shil's stooges and puppets heaven forbid questioning the excepted "truth" just isn't the done thing next you'll be a "conspiracy theorist" ohh wait too late.
  23. The British Army’s armoured division does not really exist This week the Telegraph is running a series of exclusive essays by expert commentators looking into Britain’s “hollow” armed forces. https://archive.ph/QcEcX and Starmer is happy to send British troops into harm’s way but he won’t fund them properly https://archive.ph/A02HJ#selection-3091.4-3091.94 Often enough there is no kit at all. Many of our artillery regiments have no weapons and/or very little ammunition, everything having been sent to Ukraine and only a few replacements obtained. Many regiments and battalions are still using obsolete equipment while they wait for new vehicles that should have been delivered long ago
  24. More like shot it's self in the foot rushing headlong into WEF planned de-industrialisation at accelerated pace not even a murmur about the Nordstream gas pipeline sabotage ensuring their fate. They have sent all their weaponry to Ukraine..who said the EU has an overwhelming technological and financial advantage ?
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